Saturday, November 8, 2014

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Home Info About Me About Blog Contact Disclaimer Skin Care Treatment Clinic Dermocosmetic Poliderma treatments Combination skin Oily skin Dry skin redness facial wrinkles ice cream churn Hyperpigmentation ice cream churn Acne Cleansing Pore Podočnjaci Cellulite preparativo Flips Flops Serums Masks Eyes Peeling Cream Acids Anti-Aging Moisturizer Hair Aromakozmetika Decorative Flips Flops Powders BB Cream Base Perfume Mascara ice cream churn Blush Bronzer Lipstick Shades Nail polishes News Health Health lose weight stop smoking
Although I am on this topic twice already wrote in this and this post, there are still some prejudice ice cream churn faced by almost every day. This time I will write why they are important, because I'm sure you already know, today I will write about prejudice ice cream churn and facts relating to the use of these preparations. 1st creams are a factor sunscreens This is prejudice number one reason that many people buy creams factors before going on holiday to be able to freely ice cream churn enjoy the beach. The sun does not know whether you're on the beach or in the city. It does not know whether sitting on the terrace cafes and drink coffee, ride a bike in nature or you just lie down on his chaise. The sun burns unfortunately equal intensity wherever they are. Therefore, sunscreens with SPF sunscreens are not, they should be our daily moisturizer. 2. Cream with SPF infection causes stains This is a prejudice that I have heard recently and I admit, I totally surprised considering that it comes from a doctor? Please let me explain to someone if I'm wrong but how is that possible unless women who are prone to moles do not think, if you have greased it can hang out for hours in the sun because then no one cream does not help. 3. With the cream with SPF can not tarnish Great prejudices that made many women to avoid. Of course you can darken only is this darkening much slower but healthier. We sjeverke usually do not have time to slow tanning creams, ice cream churn so we eliminate the factors or the use of low factors that we came from the south, dark and everyone to see that we were at sea: D This is a big hassle because that bit of color that catch quickly washed a big risk and long-term ice cream churn damage. Anyway, the long tan out on the price of light aristocratic way. Look to our Asian women who definitely keep your porcelain complexion. 4. Use a powder or BB cream that has an SPF Eh, to these prejudices I even used my photography skills: D So, let's take a product that says SPF 30 in order to obtain such protection, this product must be applied 1-1, 5 ml of the face and neck. I took one tester of 1.5 ml and squeezed out of him content:
Well, if you put this amount of foundation or BB cream then you are properly protected but I doubt it because this is the amount of at least 3-4 makeup. Especially if like me you make a mistake in the shade too dark and buy BB cream that has an SPF of 35 and you need to spread the so and aperture that looks as natural as possible, since SPF 35 does not get a 5! Unfortunately, this big pile of cream is often most overweight and obese facials, and causes us problems, such as a feeling of heaviness, feeling fat, filling the pores, ice cream churn pimples and other clutter in the face. How does it turn the tables? Choose light texture such as fluids and lotions. They are usually designed for oily skin but by the way, and contain anti-acne and checkmate. If your skin is mixed like mine, put a few drops of serum on the faces and suhiije parts of the face to avoid drying out. If you have dry skin, take care in the ingredients on which the village alcohol. 5th SPF can not be combined For example, ice cream churn use a cream with SPF 20 and Foundation with SPF 15. These two factors can not be combined. Expensive creams sixth round book There's no difference, even more, I think that when we buy expensive creams and pay her 350 it very sparingly spend and thus not applied sufficient protection. ice cream churn Problem ice cream churn j only thing HE manufacturers usually work well on the texture of their products and their SPF creams are usually the most appropriate beauty. The most important thing is that in your preparation there is such a symbol
This symbol indicates that the composition is in accordance with EU regulations on UVA protection. Otherwise, the European standards for SPF creams are the most stringent in the world and it is no wonder that many Korean women and American ice cream churn women ordered SPF creams ice cream churn from Europe. 7th SPF protection around the eyes I was buying various undereye cream containing SPF protection, Clarins, Shiseido, ice cream churn Eucerin, LRP ... unfortunately, I personally do not correspond to such creams as it hurts me to the eye. Especially in the summer when I sweat so sweat makes the cream to the eye or on the beach when I get out of the sea. Although SPF is important for undereye area, yes I apply your usual moisturizer ice cream churn around ice cream churn the eyes, and when absorbed, natapkam SPF preparation that I'm putting my face. I use mineral eyeshadows that also protect against UV and wear sunglasses constantly. 8th Math SPF-and I believe you already know that but it's not bad to repeat: SPF 15 blocks 93% of UV rays SPF 30 blocks about 97% of UV rays SPF 50 blocks 98% of UV rays So why use an SPF 50 when slight differences? Working UVA, which if you read my

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