Monday, November 25, 2013

Chilling Nerk nearly forty miles further princess maker 4 along the Zanskar is a village. Eight kil

Today is Saturday. Leh bus will come tomorrow. Ten o'clock in the morning, I just woke up. Two hours before the eye was exposed, but just stands. Family also looked a little open the door and go in a minute, the chef gets up tea - Breakfast serve. I take my eye instantly Mich. saw him peeping. Pashmina heavy blankets and quilts on it, both being buried under a different joy to get.
Got up at ten thirty. There was tea and bread instantly. Today, there is a different kind of bread. Rajasthan is like Bati, rather thick. There is no shortage of fire wood and coals, has poached well. It is eaten with butter and jam.
Today's goal is to see to the rural life, will click some photos.
Suddenly ordered by conscience - let Nerk. This order was so intense and penetrating any part of the body did not get a chance to recover and rescue. This command assumes all quietly. However, the aching legs, but also the soul was stung - up.
Chilling Nerk nearly forty miles further princess maker 4 along the Zanskar is a village. Eight kilometers of road is built, then the trail. This trail is buried under snow, so go up the river is frozen. This sheet is Trek.
My return date is twenty-five. Thus, my hands are still six days. Four days can be returned from the Big Easy Nerk. Parents informed of their intention. A rod with a prism and has even asked for a rope. Bag sleeping bag tied up with rope. Even - Manuson butter and jam packed with two loaves and gave to me. I had enough stuff to eat it.
Five hundred rupees per day paid a thousand bucks. There was food, drink all day and stay at five hundred.
Eleven o'clock had come. Waist was hanging on the back nine kg bags. Delhi was nine kilos of weight while walking, after sleeping bag and growth are

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