Monday, November 18, 2013

Germany alterglobalism austerity banks ECB unemployment nemox gelato China conference 14/09 competi

About Spain Thursday, November 1, 2012 by Jacky in Eouzan For Constituent | For a discussion of free trade and the euro ...
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Links onslaught Association Bastille Republique Nation newspaper Antidote Blog Blog shifted nemox gelato policy nemox gelato Limougeauds youth unemployment and currency nemox gelato ContreInfo ecodemystificateur Hitting currency http:// nemox gelato ICE Sign for European protectionism The Arena Nue the observatory of Europe's eye Brutus Lacrisedesannées2010 Blog Hervé Juvin the blog of Olivier Demeulenaere blog Bernard Conte blog Lordon's Blog Lawrence Pinsolle Blog nico Blog Pascale Fourier Blog Roland Hureaux blog Yann blog Yohann Duval's blog Henri Bodinat blog France against Crisis Capec Aristotle Circle The Democratic Forum memory struggles for a Constituent For a social ecology and solidarity Seb Musset WordPress Blog www .
Germany alterglobalism austerity banks ECB unemployment nemox gelato China conference 14/09 competition competitiveness debt crisis growth dumping duties relocation debate democracy demondialisation deindustrialization nemox gelato Emmanuel nemox gelato Todd employment United States Euro Europe finance taxation IMF G20 Greece war borders France Hervé Juvin Jacques Sapir Jean-Luc free Gréau free trade globalization WTO trade protectionism 2012 presidential poll sovereignty EU FIFG
*** European integration, and its corollary, the defense of the euro continues inexorably in favor of financial powers to the detriment of citizens by a growing of these in favor of the first liability. The intermediation nemox gelato of a growing nemox gelato non-democratic institutional practice in the most diverse areas is the hallmark of the European construction.
Mr Zapatero, the Socialist former Prime Minister of the Spanish Government has, at its more than likely start to see catastrophic polls released before the last national election, used his last moments presidency to vote, as represented by the right the "popular party" nemox gelato by the majority of the PSOE, the famous golden rule that neither the Spanish people in their vast majority, nor the other left-wing opposition, or some regionalist coalition, did not want.
It is well known the people, except in those rare moments where you institutionally demanding their votes in most other moments that engage the future, the people we know and avoids asking her opinion. In Europe and in many countries, it is the Right of the PS as that, when in power, nemox gelato follow the roadmap that has been dictated to them by their masters in Brussels, without deviating one line, worthy representatives of the business they are in financial markets. Except that a more formal presentation acceptable to the naive or those who have any interest nemox gelato ignore today between the right and left say nothing changes Government or rather everything continues to worsen and is deteriorate inexorably to the majority of citizens.
Today, after a few months of Governance right to power represented by Mr Raroy, Spain is ranked BBB by rating agencies nemox gelato and unemployment has increased by more than 500,000 person

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