Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Shiva philosophy, theology and tradition iceomatic (THEOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY AND TRADITION OF SHIVA) Sa

Shiva philosophy, theology and tradition iceomatic (THEOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY AND TRADITION OF SHIVA) is wholly dedicated to bring you information on various aspects of shivisam and worship of Lord Shiv, without aligning iceomatic ourselves to any particular sect or religious teacher. We hope we shall be able to accomplish this goal to your satisfaction.
Himalayan climbers over the centuries, has been a challenge for pedestrians and vagabonds. Himachal Pradesh located in different areas of the lakes, snow-capped peaks and Bugyal, natural scenery, rich valleys and towering waterfalls attract people who are in love with nature. But at such a scenic spot where a waterfall, lake and snow capped peaks found. However, such a virgin and religious convictions Mani Mahesh Lake in Chamba attached to the place. Chance of Pir Panjal range in the district Chamba (Himachal Pradesh) Tehsil iceomatic Bharmour area in the eastern part of the Kailash peak (elevation 19,000 feet from sea level) and Mani Mahesh Lake (elevation 15,000 feet) is located. In mythology, the lake of Lord Shiva is considered a home game. Jngskr mountain range in the north and south side of the border have Dhauladhar mountain range. The residents iceomatic every year on the occasion of Radha Ashtami acting on the spot with great enthusiasm to participate in the fair. Thousands of Shiva devotees offer prayers and take a dip in Lake Mani Mahesh completed his vow iron trident, etc. are offering stiff and light. It is said that Radha Ashtami day when the sun's rays fall on the Kailash peak, the peak naturally built like the gem aura emanating from Shiva Linga and its rays are incident on the lake water, then that time bath Humans get rid of many diseases. The silver stick it away from Chamba travel ashes of Lord Shiva, while Kdhamuk etc. Bharmour reaches places where eighty-four spot at a place called Mani Mahesh temple of God is located. Bharmour ninth - tenth century was inhabited by the ancestors of King Sahil Varman. Elderly show that even a Kill & #

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