Saturday, November 16, 2013

Vice SDSS Milorad Pupovac said that reason cease to be in the public water campaign about the date

ZAGREB - Parliamentary elections will be held on Sunday 4th December announced the representatives of the ruling coalition churros machine after agreeing jednoipolsatnog behind closed doors. By the agreed date, they say, came without controversy and easily. Date of dissolution of Parliament ruling coalition will be determined in early fall because the Parliament, they say, must make several churros machine important laws.
RELATED NEWS News SDP-led coalition signed a pre-election agreement. Milanovic said: Croatia of today there are alternatives! HDZ returned an old idea: there will vote for Christmas, after a referendum on the EU? Due date of elections in Croatia, the torment churros machine and the European Union-left coalition: Prime Minister Milanovic, Cacic Vice President, retirees seeking a ministerial post
After the announcement of the election date is almost certain that the current premijeka Jadranka Kosor during the election campaign will be able to capitalize politically powerful symbolic act to signing the Accession Treaty churros machine Croatian Euopskoj Union. I was alone, in announcing the election date, argued that as the most likely date of the signing of the Accession Treaty Croatian EU mentions 9th December and five days after the parliamentary elections.
This means that Kosor Accession Treaty signed yet as president of technical government in anticipation of the formation of the new that will define the winner of the next election. It will be, therefore, an act of political archive, but without prejudice to the outcome of the parliamentary elections.
However, although in reaching a compromise with coalition partners nevertheless agreed to give political capitalizing signing on Croatian churros machine accession to the EU, Kosor and the HDZ will complete the accession negotiations be used as a major argument churros machine election campaign.
- There was nothing we missed, we betrayed anyone, anyone not in any way be able to disappoint - the PM said, recalling that in the spring of this year, announced that the ruling coalition will announce the date of parliamentary elections churros machine after the completion of Croatian accession negotiations with the EU and that this promise just now fills. She affirmed that the "difficult and enormous task of concluding negotiations behind us," and stressed that the government had to pass a lot of obstacles. churros machine
HSS president Josip Friscic stated that the existing coalition in the upcoming election does not intend to surrender, but to fight for re-election. The ruling coalition of President HSS Friščić, showed responsibility towards national interests since this spring has not yielded to pressure from the street and slogans churros machine and called elections before completion of negotiations that would prevent their completion this year. He also said that if anyone because of effort expended in the completion of negotiations has the right to sign the contract on Croatian accession to the EU, then this is certainly Kosor.
Vice SDSS Milorad Pupovac said that reason cease to be in the public water campaign about the date izobra. The agreed date is stated, within Ono is realistic, given the work that Parliament remains, as well as deadlines required the parties to prepare for elections.
Coalition partners have pointed out that the parlametarni elections held four months before the constitution of schedule, before the referendum on EU accession ii signing of the EU accession.
After Kosor 9th December to sign the Accession Treaty of the EU, the Treaty under Article 142 Constitution a two-thirds majority vote must confirm the new Parliament. No final decision on Croatian accession to the EU, after the ratification of the Treaty in the Parliament, they must bring the citizens in a referendum must be held within 30 days of confirmation in Parliament.
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