Friday, November 15, 2013

However, the results of hydraulic fracturing are impressive already, commercial ice cream makers wi

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It is difficult to estimate the total amount of exploitable shale gas in the world, there is a little more reliable figures for North America. According to a report prepared for the U.S. Department commercial ice cream makers of Energy in 2009, the recoverable resources of non-conventional natural gas shales, tight-gas explosion rocks and represent 60% of recoverable reserves on the continent. In other words, commercial ice cream makers for each cubic meter of conventional recoverable gas, we find 1.5 cubic meters of non-traditional methane. The level of consumption in 2007, according to the report, it would mean the reserves until 2100 and completely change the situation compared to the figures that are evoked, there are only a few years.
The crucial qualifier in resource assessment is "workable". For it is not right to have vast gas resources, it is still necessary to extract knowledge effectively.
However, the results of hydraulic fracturing are impressive already, commercial ice cream makers with still operating in its infancy, it seems that one is able to extract commercial ice cream makers 15 to 20% of natural gas that moves freely in the geological structure. In some cases, this proportion could reach 25%. This is a remarkable figure when compared with oil where it rarely exceeds 40% recovery after 150 years of experience. This makes the use of shale gas even more interesting: a well can completely "clean" the basement free gas, leaving very little fuel for future use, but making maximum initial investment.
While these dramatic results are included in all serious studies published on this subject, it should still be careful. When thinking about a traditional gas or oil field, one can imagine a reservoir (porous, of course), the relatively well-defined dimensions. This is not the case for shales. Rather, it is huge layers of waterproof bedrock that must be broken. In this context, the 20% does not apply, of course, that the area affected by the fracturing around the well and not at all corners of the geological region. This figure, which is repeated in profusion, seems a little high when applied to the entire shale. If the true figure approached 10%, that would be, in my opinion, a fairly good percentage of recovery. Questions about the exploitation of these deposits
Certainly, we know that the major North American shales contain a significant amount of methane, commercial ice cream makers but many questions remain about their use. The industry is emerging, gambling investors and start-ups is to leave some doubt and maintain critical information as secret as possible to create a tense atmosphere that facilitates the maintenance of a competitive advantage with competition, seeking venture capital. For the outside observer commercial ice cream makers (which means, also, players in the gas industry that are not directly involved in the exploration and exploitation of shale gas), it is difficult to get hold of reliable and meaningful information.
(...) Among all this data, published by the group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, an independent group, appear to be relatively commercial ice cream makers reliable. For the first three shale wells to be operated, output fell rapidly in the first months of operation to not represent, commercial ice cream makers after two years, 10 to 20% of peak production. These data, however, are incomplete because they do not show the effects of a second or a third fracturing, a process generally used by the industry, which is expected to extend the life of these wells up 10 or 15 years.
Anyway, it would take at least 30,000 a year old or more to meet 50% of demand in the U.S. market well. If each well has a diameter commercial ice cream makers of 4 km, should therefore operate at any time, an area of 375,000 km2, nearly 25% of Quebec's territory, or more than half that of Texas in full force! No doubt, the only way to maintain commercial ice cream makers a level of gas production from shale is high for the industry, drilling, day and night, new wells.
Despite this important limitation, the effects of the exploitation of shale gas are already visible after only a few years of production. Thus, the large-scale exploitation of this gas

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