Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Ice cream and then toured the beautiful orchards. Climb trees, cherry, peach, plum packed. Mulberry

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When it comes to summer we are living in the city on his way to the edge of the sea, the Mediterranean sea and the heat of the indigenous es goyobod people of the highlands is away. Of Alanya where I, along with my cousin a day to get rid of excess heat of the Taurus Mountains to climb 1,100 meters have been hosted in a family who lived there.
Smart Ahmet wanted to taste the head of the family to us his own ice cream. es goyobod That day, after pausing for a few places in the Taurus Mountains, and finally we were guests in his home Ahmet Bey and excitement of the story, waited for the ice cream and ice cream.
The most important feature in your home to make ice cream home Salep collection of personally by Fatma. Orchid ice cream recipe on there that day, and I want to share what I have learned:
Are essential in making a kind of orchid orchid plant. Every year in May, hazel-colored orchids, hyacinth that is reminiscent of the Taurus Mountains. Removed by digging orchid tuber. Discarded and a new lump in the case of two root yumurulardan kept older.
After washing nuts threaded on a string sized tubers. Cooked by boiling in a pot of milk for a long time. Then left to dry in the shade. I learned that I liked Salep drying up to 6 months, es goyobod though it physically es goyobod possible to dry more quickly.
Thoroughly dry the roots of orchids, orchid powder to convert to grind. Thoroughly dry the tubers because of the grinding process, a challenging job to draw strong mills. After the coffee mill grinder before Mr. ahmet orchid laboriously getting es goyobod a lot of passing. Ahmet Smart Style Home Ice Cream Recipe Ingredients: 1 kg 200 g of milk, 1 teaspoon sugar orchid
Milk up to 45 minutes es goyobod to cook. Boil for 25 minutes and then stirred sugar and orchid. On cooling, the ice cream machine is turned through two hours. After a two-hour dial stick to the walls of the ice cream machine comes consistency. After placing the plate to be cut with a knife while at the same time become the quintessential Maras ice cream.
Ice cream and then toured the beautiful orchards. Climb trees, cherry, peach, plum packed. Mulberry mulberry tree while turning fırdolayı hands and lips bruise, even totally es goyobod disregarded. Quinces, pomegranates and grapes eventually sought growth. Everything es goyobod is so beautiful, and that "other world" es goyobod is a fairy tale appeared kitabındaymış I felt like that.
Ice cream machine, ice cream machine at the beginning of mastery hobby Intelligent dönüştüımüş Ahmet Bey! Maras Maras ice cream, delicious ice cream, mountain, metredeyiz 1100! Cut with a knife .. More bekleyemiyoruz .. :) Posted by Fatos should eat ice cream at 08:11 Tagged with: 2012 summer holiday, Mediterranean, Alanya, ice cream, ice cream recipe, Black Sea, Marmara, orchid, sahlep, sahlepli, saleipli, orchid, Taurus 3 Responses to "Home Made Ice Cream Salep "
Such a real taste of everything that is artificial es goyobod nowadays you have caught very nice. As you said, the work arduous work orchid. Moreover, in danger of extinction due to over-collection is now unconscious and are under orchids. Therefore synthetic SaleBN increasing demand. Synthetic orchid corners on the fact that is costing almost 6-7 times. For this reason, I think ice cream is ready for full use of artificial orchid. Due to the lack of other articles of the natural ice creams contain an already dangerous to health. Because instead of milk, milk powder, rather es goyobod than a synthetic orchid orchid, sugar, glucose es goyobod syrup, colorings, flavorings not beat many contributions due to the ice-cream is now available. Therefore, es goyobod such a real taste of you today, even for a really great chance to be tasted. Today, tomorrow you consider this hâldeysek Realise ...
Greetings to all and yaylalararından alanyadan .. You told everything perfectly es goyobod Fatos sister, entry is increased and your heart health .. Once again reminded us how much we were lucky. Next time, I wish to encounter when arriving at a different beauty ... Thank you, my love ....
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