Saturday, November 9, 2013

I love offf ... I can not eat very sweet, I

After the Roman base coat on top of it "gelato" would be not to hide! :) My diet has recently been conducting a one-state solution tüketebildiğim brought ice cream for dessert is the constant freezing and the chance of getting a mini ice cream makers have encountered :)
View Tefal gelato ice cream machine has a metal chamber, after waiting in the freezer for 24 hours in a mixture of room (almost every ice cream recipe in a recipe book that comes out of the box), and weaving it slowly freezing chamber industrial ice machines is between 35-40 minutes mingling :)
Let's talk about dondurmamıza, industrial ice machines strawberry cheesecake ice cream recipe I first tried it and it was eating my fingers :) so to speak, but there are also many ice cream cheesecake recipe describing the milk, sugar, and also because it is a mild cream was my first choice.
The cooled mixture, add the strawberries.
It tastes industrial ice machines so delicious that I never forget the taste of fresh strawberry and musky smell of milk remains. There are so many ice cream consumed at least you know what is in, what you get is a home-made additives do not want to say :)
Can not we say this recipe without the machine, a steel pan filled with ice and water to cool the freezer in a large bowl gently mix is quite troublesome to make a close but the results you can achieve.
Funda'mın my heart so big that everything he said to me in more hosts, is shedding light mutlulk veriyooor everyone around! :)) I have come to you, dear friend, I'm going to any kind of mass production and even the ice cream will do! :))) Delete
Pinosh'cum, üşeniyor Where do I put people before, but how do I do it so easy and the result is so delicious that he is definitely worth it, I would highly recommend it :)) Thank you very much for Like honey :) Delete
UFO I saw it and see it for the first time, dear innocent villagers stare at the screen, such as summer and winter, ice cream :) :) it is a great thing that makes people good-bye used by God. But there is one thing I do not understand! Diet'm saying??? I think you're kidding :) You look so perfectly that the diet will do for me :) I do not believe that you're the darling industrial ice machines You're self-delusion can be more than two to three pounds (which industrial ice machines I do not) is absolutely beautiful ;) Reply Delete
I just looked at it at the store, honey Hheheh how thick the ice cream is like outside, he did not believe that, whether there kuplara put a small denettiler I just love :))) exactly 5 kg bird than when I bought it last year, this is her own clothes sığmıyorum Thank you very much for the nice words I am careful search I was very happy reading the baby doll :)) Delete
candidate to be the secret of everything in our house at Ikea tefal gelato :) How long have you çelmekteydi abundance in my mind. :) I will go to the fleece and then he ran around istanbula also use the Splenda instead of sugar already come to the world's most delicious, the most natural and beautiful desserts ennn throughout the summer. Search all the ice cream I eat meals on longer :)) Reply Delete
I swear Missi'm home right after I noticed an electric post some tefal tefal everything was as advertised, I laughed to myself: p hehe I thought Splenda, honey, milk is a recipe that minimizes remorse already industrial ice machines using light, but then the entire container Even a light meal, this is how I be afraid: PPP Delete
As it comes ~ ~ ~ June 27, 2012 09:53
regardless of köhköh now be coughing during the lunch break eating industrial ice machines an ice cream giant dropped to my mind now ... 'm supposed to be honest industrial ice machines I do not think makinesnı ice cream .. even took the opportunity to eat ice cream maker can not find it because industrial ice machines it is superfluous for me to place the centerpiece of the kitchen: P Reply Delete
What a marvelous human being bi or treble you yaa .. Does not taking very difficult to move all-in-one beauty baby doll for you, huh? :) Which is nice so resourceful, diyosun not know that the king of the hands of health :) Looks nice. If you would not mind looking at the ball bi ^. ^ Reply Delete
Little bird şahanelik beauty that belongs to you, like you wrote how sweet sweetheart hehehe :)) baby doll like this which you can choose if you want to taste them in rows of ice cream do you like :)) a big kiss, a sarmalıyorum you :))) Delete industrial ice machines
Thank you so much, sweetie industrial ice machines :) machines people are as happy as children, what a strange side not grow in us :)) Delete
I love offf ... I can not eat very sweet, I'm out there who does not like ice cream Gizem'cim ready. ice cream the sugar rates subject to disagree. I'm a low threshold for sugar. I can not eat too many sugary things, I do not like. Should this machine now, myself industrial ice machines ;) yapmalııı industrial ice machines the best ice cream in the hands of health ... "" Reply Delete
Gizem'cim see how long this machine just next to the red-green kitchen appliances obsession almadım.Bazı a red mixing electric kitchen helpers

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