Thursday, November 21, 2013

Search: Archives November 2013 October bad icecream 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 N

Originally established from the site to get a good ranking will always go through different phases, each will have different operational priorities. Although bad icecream outside the chain is original bad icecream and the basic principles of SEO, but if you want to truly become the industry leader optimized, it takes some effort down in the details. Long-distance runners in the ten thousand meters race, always put ten thousand meters is divided into several stages, bad icecream although both finish the ten thousand meters, but it was more easy to achieve goals in stages. Website optimization and long-distance running the same, but there are long-distance destination, and website optimization is no end only. I optimized the site is divided into four phases, the first phase: the new station is not included in stages; Second stage: bad icecream to be included, bad icecream but not yet have a good ranking stage; Third stage: ranking in the five or so, relatively stable stage; Fourth stage: get Baidu Top ranking stage, at different stages of a different focus, the following look together. First stage: At this stage of the new station is not included in the site can only be accessed by the domain name, the search engine did not find him, then does not focus on how to accelerate the work of Baidu included, but how to ensure that the current site is not the problem From layout to keyword settings. Because if the latter found the problem to go one way or another modification, optimization results will inevitably cause some effects may be serious but also K station. Contains only a matter of time, when you did the right thing then, Baidu will naturally be included. The following list needs to be done at this stage some of the entries, focusing on the degree and so on. 1, on the site itself and other details of the layout and keyword examination, to prevent late because changing the layout was Baidu down the right; 2, adding high-quality original articles to Baidu included a good impression the first time, to prepare for the post- ; 3, submitted to Baidu and other search engines to let them know the site exists; bad icecream 4, adding categories, and navigation station. Second stage: to be included, but not yet have a good ranking site at this stage PR value is 0, outside the chain of small number of quality links rarely, rarely included Baidu, Baidu snapshot will be slower. This is a clear sign of the new station, everything is new, so some quality sites will not go to exchange links with you, this time the focus is not how to get him quickly bad icecream to the home page rank, but the regularity bad icecream of updates content and increase the number of foreign chains regularity, work through these two lay the foundation. The following list needs to be done at this stage some of the entries, focusing on the degree and so on: 1, through some of their own resources to get some quality outside the chain, while the number of foreign chains need strong support and advice you can use soft paper publish original way to increase outside chain, thus increasing the speed will be faster, if not soft paper writing, you can modify some of the other people's articles, regular increases. 2, a day or every few days to add some content, the number depending on the time according to webmaster. Content and keywords related to the original bad icecream article, based on the pseudo-original can take appropriate manner, but readability stronger, do not order to rank the article out of the can not read, it is a taboo to do site's ranking The end result is still the respondents in the service. Third stage: bad icecream ranking in the five or so, relatively stable stage through the efforts of a certain time, website ranking will be improved, Baidu snapshot update frequency will increase. I have been doing a whole wardrobe website is such a case. Preliminary work for you is a sure, but this ranking is likely to be volatile, it is possible today in the first three pages, go to page eight tomorrow, the day after they come up, this situation is very common, but do not worry, this stages of this problem is normal. The following points are the work needs to be done at this stage: 1, Baidu and you know the right keywords (such as a ball mill) related questions, leaving their website, but remember not to be too frequent stay URLs answer must also have coherent, not in order to answer the questions and answer bad icecream questions, Baidu account recommended five or more, because of low grade, and may not add URL, or by chance is very small. In addition bad icecream to Baidu know that there are many classes outside sites, such as Soso, Sogou, etc., you can use them outside the chain increases. 2, increase the content of principles and the principle of the chain increases, in accordance with the principles listed in the second stage. 3, traffic and access time Baidu has put them into the rank of a factors, so you can take some of the methods and measures to improve site traffic, through forum posting, QQ group propaganda, or even brush flow. But do not do anything too, forums or QQ posting too much, it may be titles and the T, brush flow more, stations are likely to be K. So how deceived Baidu spider it, then you need to operate according bad icecream to certain rules, such as brush flow, brush 50 today, tomorrow, brush 1000, acquired not brush, so a look that is at cheating. bad icecream Phase IV: Rank in Baidu Home This is our desired result, Baidu home a total of ten natural ranking positions, each position can say there is a certain value, of course, the better the ranking the more forward, bad icecream but how to make their ranking climbed steadily or maintain the current ranking would not let him go, we need to have the following points: 1, other competitors look Baidu Home Site situation study includes: typesetting case, outside the chain of circumstances, a collection bad icecream of quantity, Baidu snapshot of the situation , content and keyword relevance, content, frequency of updates, domain age, space velocity, generally visits. To arrive at the station ranking reasons, come to your own judgment on the part of the site to make up for the lack of or beyond. 2, there is a key work, is to increase customer stickiness and cultivate some loyal visitors, ranked number one web site visitors are not necessarily more than the third place, it is necessary in the site's operability and quality of content work hard, and improve customer friendliness is equivalent to improve the website ranking in weight. English how to promote foreign trade website will take into account many websites now to do SEO promotion, but most will walk into S. .. International Logistics bad icecream fasteners bad icecream resolve in retail trade, the seller often encounter shop goods are ... foreign websites have been closure how do? Space is sealed is what? Do REPLICA shop was closed ... 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