Tuesday, January 14, 2014

12 hours ago

Robots as a courier: After Amazone tested unmanned helicopters and Deutsche Post | Finweb.sk
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Robots as a courier: After Amazone tested unmanned helicopters and Deutsche Post
Almost as through the Cold War. Germans and Americans are in disagreement as to who brought the idea to deliver the consignment robotic helicopters earlier. While American online store Amazon introduced its project on Sunday, the German Deutsche Post DHL today claims that robotic couriers tested long before Amazon.
A spokeswoman for the German DHL but did not date the new robots should take up the service. "So far we are only at the beginning. The new technology should help us to service particular medication, "said Deutsche Post spokeswoman told AFP.
Amazon chief Jeff Bezos has said on Sunday that the unmanned machines could serve especially small packages up to two kilograms, which constitute the majority of shipments graditelj from Amazon store. The streets should go in 2015.
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