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Year 2045 according to Director Google: igloo ice maker Governments will machines |
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Year 2045 according to Director Google: Governments will machines
Ever-accelerating technological development takes on such a speed that reaches a point singularity, igloo ice maker the moment when machines overtake human inteligenciu.Tvrdí Google's technical director, a visionary scientist Raymond Kurzweil. Computers According to him, after 2045 thanks igloo ice maker to the growing intelligence take dominion over the world. With Friends already at the University of California has a singularity, which is closer this time, and also to draw up proposals on how to proceed, that this transformation did not end in disaster. Although critics have labeled him a fantasist, moving Kurzweil in the field of science who dedicated life. "Computer power and inexorably growing exponentially," he says.
And points out that most of the predictions that did came out. In order to be right again, it is necessary igloo ice maker success three forecasts. Around 2025, it should be possible to simulate on the computer activity of the human brain. For the next five years would have such systems have reached a level of people. And even before the 2045 peak force intelligence computer a billion times exceed the capacity of human consciousness. Then it would not be nothing to preclude the advanced technology became independent, they began to reproduce and compared with biological beings develop faster. And along with that decisions on production programs, the economy and the whole society.
Šesťdesiatpäťročný Kurzweil igloo ice maker at this time enjoying. It keeps the fit because he wants to live the moment you loaded into supercomputers igloo ice maker your consciousness igloo ice maker and grab immortality. Technically available, it might also be just 30 years. Against the immortality of the commemorating backup computer memory is nothing to argue itself handover world silicon superinteligencii but experts fear. Between supercomputers and robots for normal people would not be the place.
Kurzweil faces reproaches that promotes cyber totality. Soothes therefore forecast that the extermination of human machinery is unlikely, as the two worlds begin to interconnect. And it will not be easy to distinguish. Biological body, including the brain begin to complement a variety of devices igloo ice maker that would dispose igloo ice maker of the disease, prolong age, increased intelligence and allow direct connection to computers. People would gradually morphed into a biomechanical hybrid, the cyborg.
Transformation of the cyborg as mere rewriting of personality to the computer but will be available only to some, while the normal igloo ice maker population, at least initially, does not get. Kurzweil admits this possibility, arguing that it is a natural evolutionary process, which once described by Charles Darwin. This time survive, those who are better able to use new technologies. In the way politicians can be built and religion, various prohibitions and regulations. igloo ice maker But this whole process only brakes. "Scientific progress can not be stopped," says inventor with reference to history.
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