Wednesday, January 8, 2014

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Since the crisis Danes received a hard blow. Now employ tens of Slovaks |
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Since the crisis Danes received a hard blow. Now employ ice blitz tens of Slovaks
Danish fairy-tale manufacturer of coolers ice blitz Nissen Slovakia continues. When a company in crisis 2009 release almost half the workforce, few people expected the supplier to automakers return to the best account. It happened. The company has surpassed its pre-crisis last year and next year statistics reported another increase.
The project is also known due to the fact that the company calls the authorities for permission to build new premises. "The reason for the proposal is the need of the spatial extension ice blitz of the operation of the production, storage and administration need to relocate and efficient deployment of machinery and equipment of existing production facilities," Nissen described in the plan presented by the Office for review.
The company plans to create 70 new jobs. While today employs 358 employees. The company manufactures various kinds of coolers and is a subsidiary of the family business Nissen. ice blitz With us last year generated sales of 55 million, while profit closed at 1.8 million. ice blitz
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