Wednesday, January 15, 2014

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How does printing money in practice | peavey pv14
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How does printing money in practice How does printing money in practice peavey pv14
Originally I wanted in a light tone only analyze the long-term and current developments in the money multiplier and velocity of money turnover in the United States. When writing but I gradually peavey pv14 realized that, actually, again and again I am referring to how much the reality differs from the now mythical "printing money" central banks. Finally, there was a connection (mostly) comfortable with (maybe a little) and useful result is the description of how it takes place "pushing" in practice. With that, at the end of a particular perspective on how to speed "printing machine" going.
Myth about printing money we can get hooked on multiple levels. The first of these is the very formation of the monetary base. Thus, the basic building blocks peavey pv14 of what we call money. When striving for maximum savings and also the exact definition used in particular in relation to QE are sometimes reads as follows: That "pushing" the exchange of assets with the private sector when he gives the central bank reserve assets received from the private sector. The central bank therefore may decide to increase the monetary base and will do so for the newly created "reserves" by the private sector buys some asset. And this covers the new reserve asset.
Looking at the marginal quality of this additional increase in base - exactly reserves such as the quality of that asset, for which it received the central bank. In the heart of the matter would then private sector did not help, because he got exactly what to discard. More relevant here is average but the principle - onen new "Ducat" include the proportion of the entire balance sheet of the central bank, including its capital. We can thus say that the private sector peavey pv14 gained something better, something which is better paid (used as collateral ...) as the old asset. It is especially so in times of crisis, satisfaction of the desire for security and overall higher demand for liquidity and contributes to calm the situation. Central Bank to the contrary himself takes part of the risk out of the system. This is not the final look - maybe a long debate about whether and when the reserves are fully substitute certain assets peavey pv14 and what are the consequences. But all the misguided talk about printing money, the waves of liquidity, etc. usually completely ignore this basic principle.
The next step, which is also (not) print money, the banking sector. Example: A small economy is 100 ducats peavey pv14 and one bank. Each of those ducats was introduced to the bank as a deposit, the bank will have to leave it as part of the reserve, peavey pv14 the rest borrowed. Loan / ducats again to finally move into her obligations as a deposit, part of the Bank retained as a reserve again and again borrowed the rest. The ever-shrinking multiplier wheel ultimately increase the amount of money from 100 to 1,000 ducats. It was a controlled process (via the required reserve), in which no one neobohatil - banks hold against any claim of liability, benefit only from the interest rate differential. It is a system of assets peavey pv14 and liabilities when the money is on our account to cover the liabilities for whom they were borrowed. Therefore a system in which the above-mentioned base formed by the so-called broad money.
Third Level (s) printing money exists in the case of a printing consider also that if the money is rotated faster in the economy. I.e., if the faster turnover of the impression that money is more. An extreme example would be roztáčajúca the hyperinflationary spiral, ever more the money supply will be reinforced over time faster turnover of money (which go due to the rapidly rising "from under the pillow" on purchases peavey pv14 of anything). peavey pv14
Above is an attempt to describe the principle, which should mainly show how misleading peavey pv14 it is a long series of comments regarding what is actually happening with the money. Further considerations we could give many directions, but as I wrote, the original intention was to show a sharp and especially the ever-deepening slump in the money multiplier and velocity of money turnover in the United States. peavey pv14 The former can be understood as the willingness peavey pv14 / ability of the system to form a broader base money, peavey pv14 the latter as the economy need to have the product unit a number of dollars (that is, as it must "Lubrication" currency).
It may be seen that the multiplier decreases, in other words, that the drive takes more money broader base. And there is no such shift is negligible, as compared to pre-crisis level, we are now almost a third. The second graph says that after this decreased production money comes second snag - per unit of product they need more and more (in other words, money is slowly rotated). While before the crisis turned over twice, now it is about 1.6 - times. Then it is noteworthy that there is a reversal in either the first or the second P

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