Monday, January 13, 2014

Douglas ice a Dietrich ice a (DD): In high school I wanted to train so I started a course of electr

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The winners write history so that inconvenient facts that do not fit in the desired image, just let disappear. Douglas Dietrich was librarian of the U.S. Department of Defense, who was responsible for the destruction of files containing explosive Presidio military base in San Francisco. Now opened his remarks so as to provide surprising insights into the classified history of America and the world. In an interview ice a with Thomas Kirschner (leading German magazine Nexus, where this article; note. Cursed.) Douglas Dietrich reveals the hidden history of the Second World War - among other things, that Germany and Japan were the first countries that have prepared the atomic bomb ... and used them.
Douglas ice a Dietrich ice a (DD): In high school I wanted to train so I started a course of electronics, but our teachers were quite reactionary. They were former U.S. Navy engineers and constantly told us something about vacuum tubes and that computers are becoming more and once they occupy the entire block. It was pretty funny - as if you were trapped in science-fiction ...
I then went to education in professional illustration. While studying at the school worked there for sure Albanian secretary, which privyrábala also worked for the Department of Defense under the Radio Free Europe in the U.S., where they were broadcast programs for the Iron Curtain, in Albania. Thanks to this woman, I learned that the library of the Ministry of Defence is looking for Presidio military base in San Francisco library assistant.
Because my father was in the army, as a direct relative I had certain privileges, among them the access to Presidio military base where I was allowed to buy, for example, in military PX stores. Therefore I have got a place in the library where I like 16-year-old began to be added to the book shelves. And while I was gradually learning of more and more information. Most people in the world or in the U.S., do not know that access to classified ice a documents on the level of Top Secret (Top Secret) is actually the lowest level of the United States. Besides this, there is a large variety of other degrees of access, designated numbers and letters. The U.S. president has access to relatively low-grade, because it leads the country only four to eight years, there are many people who may know more than he ...
DD: They are only numbers and letters without special significance - a sign as A7 or B9. If you are in a particular category, you get access to more classified secrets. U.S. Department of Defense is a civilian organization, although with President leads the army. I worked as a civilian ice a on a military base - and yet it particularly significant because the base Presidio was established by the United Nations, only three weeks and three days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. President Roosevelt introduced into the life of the UN with its original five members of the Council - including the Republic of China. This is important because the world I came to Taiwan where the Republic of China after the establishment of the People's Republic of virtually re-established.
DD: Right. Although I was born in Taiwan, but my father was in the U.S. Army, so I had automatic U.S. citizenship. And because I was the son of an American soldier, with all the privileges, might I also work for the government. As a normal immigrant'd had problems with it. One of my main tasks of the military or librarian

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