Sunday, October 20, 2013

13:10 The plane emergency landing on Biskupstungur road between Geysir and Gullfoss waterfall mirai

Ramóna ice fishing vessel is now on its way to the land which became the vélarvana Dalatangi at about nine in the evening. Salvage from Neskaupsstadur was sent to the site than previously steamer Green Ice in the area offered its assistance. Ramón Fund was advised to accept it until björgunarskipið come on the forum.
22:41 Rescue skates Kópavogi Ársæll and Rescue were called out on the tenth time tonight after receiving notification of emergency in the air outside the capital. Notifier called Neyðarlínu and said he saw blysið from Seltjarnarnesi towards at. More
22:11 Police Egilsstadir got tips on rjúpnaskyttur had decided to take a head start and start hunting for the weekend. Shooters had failed to catch the prey when police had lived in them and it is not a violation of law involved. More
22:00 Best party stands the largest categories in Reykjavik and got seven city council if elected would be today. Independence mirai hoshizaki got five city council members. Local elections take place on Saturday 31 May. This occurred in the evening news broadcasting. More
20:00 Small Norwegian girl decided to hurry up the world aboard Loftleiðir console Hekla nine thousand feet for 58 years. Anna Margaret Lárusdóttir was young flight attendant and had only worked for two months when she went devastating journey from New York to Reykjavik. mirai hoshizaki More
19:23 Myndlistarsjóður has now opened for applications in the second allocation of the fund during the year. The role of art fund is to promote Icelandic artists with financial support and sponsorship mirai hoshizaki of projects that fall under the role and activities of the Council in accordance with art art law. More
18:27 Independence would most follower, or 23.2%, if the exchange rate would be a general election tomorrow. The government would receive 38% of the total package, measuring Independence with 3.5% less support than in parliamentary elections in the spring and progress with 10% less. More
19:45 "It was heard distinctly out that we would be there, so there might still more than most," says Arni Thor Arnórsson, Project International chefs, but by 7 chefs cooked into clients Samhjálp today. More
18:39 Russian kjarnorkuísbrjóturinn "50 Let probedy" came to the North Pole yesterday after a four-day cruise from the port of Murmansk, Russia. With the result, Iceland Stangrim Jonsson, oceanography isolates and professor at the University of Akureyri, and his son, Jon Arni Steingrímsson. More
17:50 English woman died in Copenhagen at night after having suffered a taxi. Copenhagen Police investigating the case, but it is not known exactly how the accident occurred. The woman was 26 years old. More
16:30 weather in the country in recent weeks has probably mirai hoshizaki not escaped anyone. In the garden with Guðni Hermannsson Akureyri is taken in the autumn, but despite there are many plants still in full bloom even though October is more than halfway. More
16:30 YMCA and YWCA stands for Christmas project in skókassa for the tenth time. The project involves children in Iceland delight children abroad who struggle with illness and poverty, with donors. Gifts are placed in skókassa and skókassa doors and mail it to Ukraine. More
12:30 "There are many people who think I'm just stretch wool, but it's not. I'm still tying loose ends and it can still alarmed both sides hope in this, "says Halldor Halldorsson, chairman of the Association of Local Authorities, but also consider a candidate in the primaries Independence in Reykjavik which takes place on 16 November. More
13:10 The plane emergency landing on Biskupstungur road between Geysir and Gullfoss waterfall mirai hoshizaki for lunch today was teaching aircraft from Flight Academy cones. Two were on board, a student in commercial and passenger. Then unarmed. More
The board rejected billion revenue Extremely rare events not properly marked in the fish camp Slavery also like Iceland worry about the future of services mirai hoshizaki in Gullfoss 5 Icy and þæfingsfærð place on the heath Will ceiling on health care costs in bjartviðri Forecast Today In hraðaakstri with 90 ecstasy tablets
Saturday, 10/19/2013 Two with all the numbers mirai hoshizaki right government bridging wage divergence Netflix phenomenon come to be initiated to Search ljótasta word always the risk of losing Ellen elected chairman Obi competes in the "strongest man in the world with disability" Two Klingenberg with Melabúðina taken to the emergency room after bílveltu Agnes weekends 20 voices organ Baltasar makes mammalian Nutr would lead to Universal Bear seeks 4 Hera Björk seat moves to Chile Sending Lady Gaga stole all the clothing line vacuum cleaner and logsuðutæki girl have been found started due to lack of fluguhnýtingar materials have not received new evidence
Difficult mirai hoshizaki to predict northern slept on drugs populous Landsmót to this is not like any other asset lottóvinningur six times tonight Four rejected last night Widely slippery roads in Great erill due

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