Monday, October 14, 2013

On Saturday night I invited a kind basilíkuskyrís which attracted huge success. Actually, I thought

I wanted the ice today. No chocolate or vanilla ice cream or some fat - as they can now be good - but some fresh and glowing and maybe a bit unusual ice. As pointed out in the second half I bunch of basil so I decided to make basil-honey-shirt. I've done basilíkuís before italian ice machine and also honey-shirt, but I could suddenly think that this could now fit quite well together.
If I had been making ice cream for the buffet is well likely that I would have made two types and have the other, for example Crimson jarðarberjaís - he would have gone well with the basilica - but since I was now just do this for me (and to own in the freezer, because now I do not eat the whole dose at once, although I consider ice good), then I had basil ice suffice. italian ice machine
I've had icecream for many years and have always argued that it is an obvious asset in any home culture. This is a simple machine with a small tank with coolant that I always keep my freezer in between italian ice machine I use the machine. I always want a big icecream with frystielementi but have never tímt to buy it - and that I do in my guess suffice quite nicely. It is possible to do this is an Ice making machines by stirring it occasionally while it is freezing to prevent the ice picks form, but as he is rather low in fats is a risk that he may be a little rough if you do not used machine.
I used 200 g of pure KEA-shirt, 1 egg, 100 ml of akasíuhunangi, 1/2 lemon, 1/2 lime (just the rind of both), friendly bundles italian ice machine of basil (this is a mixture italian ice machine of three types; probably about as much as in one tray of basil from the shop). And 125 ml of the cream, which is not a film.
So I whipped stiff cream in a bowl, poured the curds basil mixture over and mix lightly together - this mix anyway icecream together in the center - but if you do not use icecream needless italian ice machine to stir this pretty italian ice machine well.
It is quite safe to open the oven ...
On Saturday night I invited a kind basilíkuskyrís which attracted huge success. Actually, I thought the idea of strawberry ice so good that I prepared well like that. The original batch of fresh strawberries and a little honey, and flavored with strawberry jam such as maple syrup. He was also exceedingly good - although I can say.
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