Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Masonic Order (Freemasons), an organization founded in -1717 London, where four lodges were consoli

The article appeared in a very abbreviated version of the newspaper "Haaretz" introduction by Eli Eshed Is Tel Aviv was founded by members of the semi-secret organization "Masonic"? Is designed in secret negotiations in their offices in Jaffa and Jerusalem at the beginning isomatic of the century? The findings of research isomatic carried out by artist and director Yuval Caspi Lilac - his crystal singing helped the writer hint in this direction. The study shows that some of the founders of Tel Aviv were members of "Masonic" as well as other secret organizations like the "Sons of Moses", "allies" WA. B loyal brothers "(or other name" isomatic sons of Zion.) This pioneering research on History of Freemasonry in Israel and their enormous contributions and the unknown and unfamiliar to date the founding and development of the city of Tel Aviv is only part of a large study that managers have long myself and my partner and colleague Yuval Caspi and Lilac Crystal - Singing on the history of Freemasonry and Organizations covert Related: B'nai B'rith " and loyal brothers (sons of Zion). We thank the Masonic Order generously allowed us unlimited access to the archive and the first time the order was given to researchers outside option visible in some of the most secret document. The findings of this study were first presented a joint lecture of my Yuval Caspi and research office before the Masonic Order in Tel Aviv. Further studies on the history and effects of the order in the country will be published in the future. Building a free city: the Freemasons in Tel Aviv.
By Yuval Caspi, lilac - crystal singing of old King Solomon said seeing stone chipping drill "split the wine and bread, garlic and salt under the throne feast uninvited her pillow every brother comes, he and other members build = no less than ...." Please Eiger Hiram Sa - father exquisite isomatic craftsmanship and Mine purgatory gladly accept them as his brother if he and the brothers isomatic come to the banquet wearing a robe of trouble isomatic or linen garment wear different connectors - no less, no more. (From "The Night Banquet" by Rudyard Kipling) Tel Aviv history can tell that a few days after Pentecost Tarsat, 1909, placed Reuben Segal, a successful merchant isomatic and wholesaler of Jaffa, the foundation stone house 25 Yehuda Halevi Street (now the Discount Bank Tower) . staff was the first to the sands far, and began the construction of the first house in the gardens Modern Mansion House - as the first Jewish city in the world, Tel Aviv. 97 years have passed since a new study we present here suggests that it faculty, aged 29 - in those days, and probably the youngest of the 66 founders of Tel Aviv, was a brother of the Order "Freemasonry", the secret order which was the inspiration for many secret societies turns on Zionism at its inception. purpose of the study, we contacted the Order of Freemasons in Tel Aviv, hatreds open up the library and museum, isomatic and his archive .'s where we found the builders of the internal literature indicates a clear relationship between Freemasonry to establish the first Hebrew city. What is it?, you ask yourself while reading isomatic these lines. answer is the first right, which characterizes many Freemasons throughout human history. did not just C George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, 14th signer of the U.S. Constitution, Winston Churchill, leaders of the French Revolution and even Revisionist Zeev Jabotinsky, were Freemasons, but also other figures such as the writer Mark Twain, the French intellectual Walter , the German writer Goethe, Newton, Mozart, Haydn, Houdini, and even Kramer, Seinfeld actor Michael Richards, and now it turns out also that some of the founders of Tel Aviv.
Three months before the ceremony of laying the cornerstone of the house, holy Reuben Staff nurse office of Masons "Barkai," isomatic acted in Jaffa house of Jacob Elhanan isomatic Litvinsky, also a founder of the Mansion House and the founders of the Institute "Barkai", one of the chambers of the first in the country of Freemasonry, founded Jaffa in 1906. Cornerstone Ceremony is a sacred ceremony has symbolic isomatic meanings Freemasons (a secret which operates within the hierarchy. Called its members "brothers" have defined described isomatic as' Rites, "said Mason lead the student ranks builds and builds to a friend and actually builds rabbi from ignorance isomatic to enlightenment . Solomon's Temple is one of the icons of the main parade and perhaps isomatic the main one, as a way to study the meaning of these symbols, Mason should make rough ashlar stone, shapeless cut stone - a better person, in order that together with people of all faiths isomatic will be built a new Temple. Arrange other Jewish secret
Masonic Order (Freemasons), an organization founded in -1717 London, where four lodges were consolidated isomatic first Grand Lodge. Until that time were members of the Order only real masons, who worked isomatic together as Gilda (union) more medieval. Only male members of the Order, the format has been preserved to this day in many lodges. The worship they perform on their hands when they wear gloves, wear aprons decorated with symbols and medals and they use traditional tools work in construction - Gauge bar - angle, calipers, measure, hammer, chisel and other tools, which symbolize moral standards. Uniqueness of Freemasonry is the Order of members of different religions working together as a club friends and charitable organization. Part of the "work" Hall ceremonies are held holy book - the Bible, the New Testament, or the Koran, lay open on the counter, and in cases where members of the Bureau are members of three religions used three of them together. Ancient rituals dramatize the philosophical Freemasonry. Mandatory be free and adult. among all Masons worldwide passwords are spoken Hebrew Moshe says Shannon Mason in the early 40's life, and an accomplished man in computers isomatic and martial arts: "All Rank is actually a kind of play which put a moral dilemma, and through moral experienced in experiential lesson, explain another part of moral theology. "Swords also have rituals, fueling conspiracy theories about Masons and dark cases tied to the name of the Order, but most of the tools are construction tools. between the tenets of the faith (H"lndmrks") of the Order are - belief in one God, confidentiality, although symbolism laws

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