Saturday, October 19, 2013

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I had to say that this is karamelluís? Well, this is karamelluís. That's why I'm like three or four tablespoons of caramel out just before I turn off the icecream inside because I do not want to mix the sauce quite well with, it should generate reins or patches in the ice.
So goes the ice in shape (very convenient to use silicon form if it is not done is the ideal form of dress in a plastic wrap so it is easier to reach from the ice). He needs 1-2 hours in the freezer to freeze hard.
Hmm, I forgot to talk about the sauce? Ok, there is about 150 g light muscovado-sugar (could also be light brown sugar or white sugar, but I had a hard muscovado was not possible to use a second anyway), 100 g butter (Almost, not measured), 100 ml cream, place in a saucepan and boil together until kara whore begins to thicken. Taken from the heat and thus half teaspoon of vanilluessens STIR. Sauce was allowed to cool before it is added to ice. It may be fine in a jar in the fridge.
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