Thursday, October 17, 2013

Food authority has in recent years investigated zoku quick pop maker the microbiological quality of

Food Health Board, said that the results zoku quick pop maker of research on the microbiological quality of ice from the machine indicates that access to Ice making machines and ísblöndur is improving but those companies is declining, with unsatisfactory results due to coliforms. A new study shows otherwise similar results and two previous years.
Food authority has in recent years investigated zoku quick pop maker the microbiological quality of ice from the machine on sales outlets in. A total of 73 were Issy on 49 sales outlets in Reykjavik from May to July in the summer. Health officer went in September and October in the follow-up of the companies had been with unsatisfactory results twice or more times in the summer and new samples. Facilities of sales outlets was also explored, various aspects of icecream fireplaces and checked the temperature.
The results of the first sampling this summer showed that the microbiological quality zoku quick pop maker of ice from the machine were adequate in 21 of 49 sales outlets in the capital or 42% of the companies. Results were incomplete in 15 or 31% of companies and 13 companies, or 27% were criticized after the first sampling.
Microbiological quality of ice from the machine was back in good state after the second sampling zoku quick pop maker in most companies. Temporary suspension of the sale of ice machine was applied zoku quick pop maker in four companies, three in summer and one in autumn.
14:58 Visiting a shelter for homeless men Reykjavík will be shipped to Lindargata 48 in the spring of 2014, and it has for over 40 years been operated Epidemic sk house to Thingholtsstraeti 25 Residents and operators with Lindargata and vicinity has been sent a letter of transport are presented. More
14:45 District Court has acquitted Iceland Insurance and vehicle owner on payment of full compensation, interest and legal costs as a result of accident, the passenger was one of seven young men in a four car when the accident occurred. More
14:38 District Court has acquitted journalist Inga Frey Vilhjálmsson and DV Pvt. of claims and the people of Agust Gudmundsson to comment Inga Freys in conductors DV last year will be sentenced death and unmarked. More
14:09 On Sunday we Members chefs and members zoku quick pop maker of culinary team to cook for clients zoku quick pop maker Samhjálp. Will be served zoku quick pop maker with lamb trimming and desserts. More
12:53 "For zoku quick pop maker liability issues resulting from this response that my government is not going into any agreements with creditors skuldamál household. It has however not changed the skuldamál households are a special committee established at the summer session. "More
13:56 Prison has decided to ban all computers in prisons where inmates have repeatedly violated the rules for computer use. Then, package zoku quick pop maker delivery captive now only permitted on weekdays and finally consider prison authorities to remove zoku quick pop maker all weights zoku quick pop maker from prison. More
13:27 Fisheries Ireland, Simon Coveney, lay against the European Commission's proposal for a solution mackerel zoku quick pop maker dispute meetings Fisheries Union in Luxembourg today. More
12:31 Hafnarfjarðarbær takes the results mentioned report zoku quick pop maker on the impact of industrial plants very seriously. The report stated that the industrial south Reykjanesbraut concentrations of several heavy metals so high that the contamination is considered significant. This is attributed to the industrial east of the plant in Straumsvík. More
11:58 Ordered in procedural committee at the start of a parliamentary session in Parliament zoku quick pop maker today, the committee is expected to continue procedural audit, which was the last winter session. Chairman is Jeff K. Guðfinnsson, Speaker of Parliament, but otherwise were assigned to it by proportional zoku quick pop maker rule involving all categories of parties represented in parliament. More
11:44 There will be íbúafundur Mooring neighborhood at Grafarvogur Middle-earth in the service center today as Day B. Eggertsson, chairman zoku quick pop maker of the City Council, will meet with a specialist in environmental zoku quick pop maker and planning field Reykjavik and introduce new neighborhood urban planning and the way it touches people Mooring neighborhood. More
11:04 Much pressure zoku quick pop maker is on Fisheries Ireland, Simon Coveney, to oppose the proposal of the European Commission that Iceland receives 11.9% share of the mackerel stock in the Northeast Atlantic and the Faroe Islands 12%. More
10:30 The elimination of women from the police in Iceland verulegt.Aðeins two out of every three men trust women to work alongside men in Narcotic Drug LRH and the Special Forces is considered male bastion. More
11:14 Prosecutions has prosecute 10 individuals who are suspected of vændiskaup. Police zoku quick pop maker received a number of cases in some of the capital's police chief concerning alleged purchase of sexual services. The issues of Public Prosecutions zoku quick pop maker has now charge are part of the issues. More
11:01 President of Iceland Olafur Ragnar Grimsson and Dorrit Moussaieff Lady of the keep visiting the Fund of the morning of Monday 21 October. The visit lasts for three

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