Sunday, October 13, 2013


Today is Friday and it felt perfect for creating me bananas. I have loved making ice cream from frozen bananas ever since I tried it first. I was used to cut banana into pieces, freeze them and then put in a blender. Since my blender can handle not too well with frozen fruit unless you set liquid with this ever took a bit long for me. This problem was completely eliminated on Christmas because ice maker I got Yonanas machine for Christmas from Kolbein. This machine is really great and we have used it very often since we got her.
Yonanas works so you put frozen fruit into it and presses them down like you do with safapressu. Comes out so soft and delicious ice cream. We have tried to make bananas, strawberry sorbet, banana & jarðarberjaís, banana & hnetusmjörsís ice maker and bananas with chocolate bits. Yonanas is a machine that everyone should own and it comes in a net of only 9,990 crowns a ridiculously good price. ice maker
The ice is really as dedicated as you can imagine. Only frozen fruit and still taste it like ice. Today, however, I was in the mood Friday and decided ice maker to create my little chocolate scholarship that is perhaps not quite the hollasta. The sauce has chocolate, agave syrup and coconut milk. It is best to put a can of coconut milk into the refrigerator overnight or for several hours, ice maker open it and scrape off the thick layer that sits at the top and use it in the sauce. I did not have time for this morning because I was just think of the site but it's OK because it's always a thick layer that can be scraped off and used if the junction box occurs has remained inside the cabinet.
I can not describe how happy I am to have this machine. There is such a difference can showeled the Yonanas ice maker and made some ice cream from frozen fruit in almost no time instead of having to spend twenty minutes or so it let the mixer handle this.
It was a great balance of sauce and I put it in the refrigerator. When I got home from work so I took her out and she had turned into a lovely chocolate mouse. It was certainly a very pleasant surprise. I put it in a bowl with remaining berries and enjoy eating it now while I write. Have you given it a good weekend and I recommend it to try to create a kind of banana ice cream instead of going Icecream. Saves time, money and calories. ice maker

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