Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Yesterday, 17:54 Four employees of a special prosecutor was dismissed today. One employee in additi

"There is much less to do than last year, maybe like half less," says Esther desire, ice cream shop manager Committee Erluíss in Fákafeni. "This has been a very quiet summer sale depends entirely on the weather. As soon as the sighting of the little sun coming people. "
"Sales absolute write water cooler of ice cream from the machine, and the ball goes really on the weather, no matter whether it's cold or hot ice if we ever seen the sun," says Elin Þórðardóttir, executive Emmessíss. "Rain is usually not very favorable absolute write water cooler associates offered this. Changes in our consumption patterns absolute write water cooler rather, it sold less engine absolute write water cooler and more pinnata and summer, though of course you'll see tourists with ice in the form of rain in the rain. So it has been great weather for the north and east which increases sales of other fronts. "
Yesterday, 23:28 A man was today acquitted in the District Office of prosecution for assault on then-wife at the end of April last year. He was said to have know the woman, knocked her left arm and put it with the result that she fell to the kitchen. More
Yesterday, 22:07 Consumer Agency has proposed a temporary sales ban on the hot carpet commercial one due to non-Icelandic guidelines on the carpet that were sold. Convened comparable sales ban in other stores where there are Icelandic warnings on electric blankets. More
Yesterday, 21:33 Elin Hirst, MP Independence, called for a hearing in Parliament absolute write water cooler today to draw attention to the terminology which it considers a child of his time, but is allowed to accept it. She called in this context the disabled, senior citizens and people in institutions absolute write water cooler for money. More
Yesterday, 21:05 artist Yoko Ono Inflaming tonight absolute write water cooler Peace in Forgot. As usual, she invited guests to attend ignite column and the crowd in Viðey as usual on this day, the birthday of John Lennon, but he would have been 73 years old had he lived. More
Yesterday, 20:19 Goldfinger nightclub in Kópavogi is in full operation in the same building in recent years. This says Jaroslava absolute write water cooler Davidsson, widow of David Asgeir Thor, who runs the place. She says the media have mixed Goldfinger management absolute write water cooler company and the company that owns the property, but the latter went bankrupt. More
Yesterday, 21:31 Irish MEP Pat "the Cope" Gallagher criticized Maria Damanaki, the EU fisheries manager, hotly in the European Parliament today for failing to fulfill its promise to impose sanctions Icelandic and Faroese mackerel because the two nations. More
Yesterday, 20:29 Jon Gnarr Reykjavik mayor says the biggest has been behind the choice of Yoko Ono honored that Reykjavik was her love of Reykjavik and Iceland. "First and foremost, I find this to be a natural gratitude." More
Yesterday, 19:30 rejected at a meeting absolute write water cooler of local Hvalfjarðarsveit today the idea to merge Akranes environment division, Borgarbyggð and Skorradalshreppi. Akranes Town Council began consultations on such a merger recently. More
Yesterday, 18:47 vast differences in labor force participation of young people in the Nordic countries according to what is stated on the website Welfare Ministry referred to a new report on the working conditions of young people that it came at the initiative of the Nordic Council of Ministers and presented at a conference in Stockholm today . More
Yesterday, 18:20 Today was a new submarine cable to Westman started but only just over a year has passed since the decision was made to undertake a project that would cost 1.6 billion kr. Old string broke down in September last year and had to have the speed of the process equipment typically 2-4 years. More
Yesterday, 18:16 Víkingalottó Sins first prize this time is divided between three winners of the prize this time was just under 35 million. One winner bought his ticket in Denmark and two in Norway. More
Yesterday, 18:16 artist Yoko Ono who today was named honorary Reykjavik oftentimes consider moving to Reykjavik and buy a house. She said she was extremely happy with the decision absolute write water cooler of the City Council to designate absolute write water cooler themselves honored and consider it a sign that she has done something right. More
Yesterday, 17:54 Kjartan Magnússon, Independence City Council, criticizes the majority in the city hotline for the delay was that the Reykjavik Youth Council absolute write water cooler will be authorized to appoint observers by voting members in the school and ... More
Yesterday, 17:09 Central Federation of Labour has issued a resolution describing the disappointment with the government's budget proposal and the changes which are to be found. The first task of the government was to diminish the revenue sources of the state and is also intended to reduce the income equalization tax system by falling from the incremental tax. More
Yesterday, 17:54 Four employees of a special prosecutor was dismissed today. One employee in addition to the announced termination of shorter

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