Thursday, October 3, 2013

Deep in the structure of the human genome ac45 Incorporating spelled. How old was humanity for so m

Spelt village now has 95 residents and aha disappear, but still held firmly, as if to remind that our ancestor called spelled. And as it is resistant Rhodopes - a stocky stem firmly and proudly perky beard of the class. Spelt is able to grow and be fruitful in all conditions.
Nearly ac45 30 years ago I saw spelled Kaikovtsi hamlet in the mountains near Voneshta water. "In our family there is a will - to preserve the grain of the Bulgars," ac45 said then to jar spelled buy Mityo. Because of the strange vow villagers called him Mityo play games, even slammed his board.
Persuaded the chief agronomist of the municipality to sow at least 5 acres of ancient wheat. "Nothing will reap - feral pigs will eat it, so here we sow oats and barley," said Pentcho Durchev but aside two fields. In one Mityo sowed spelled in the other APC th - oats. Because barbed shell einkorn grain remained intact from the animals.
"Spelt is stable as a mule and as you play, the more powerful. Reduce Europe because it eats bread of hybrid wheat izpostalyalo last stage of his recruitment, laden with chemical treatment. Then it seed no more remains. Spelt does not rich harvest, but satiates well and is healthy food. It is a powerful antioxidant rich in protein and away from many diseases.
Tradition of his upbringing in Germany, Switzerland and England to mid XIX century, after which it is replaced with ordinary bread wheat. The reason is that the yields of wheat can be increased by fertilization or genetic modification.
Spelled and spelled EMEP do not lend themselves to artificial fertilization and genetic modification. They are ancient Pharaoh's wheat, bread of the Thracians and the last meal of Christ. Time to revive it to revive health in themselves. Currently available only in dietary stores too salty price.
Deep in the structure of the human genome ac45 Incorporating spelled. How old was humanity for so many years was wild wheat and the man he grew up with it. Spelt is seen directly from living nature, so that no other genetically pure food.
Ancient corn requires almost no processing. Evening seeds are soaked in yogurt and breakfast one morning with them. Most importantly, the wild wheat is taken in its natural form, its healing properties are both in the fetus and in the shell.
Of other types of wheat it has almost twice as much fat, protein, phosphorus, vitamins of the B and A. It can replace meat and vegetable. If a mother ac45 feeds her child with kashichka spelled, it will grow healthy.
Wild wheat fertilization take, so do not dolyubvat farmers being unable to raise yields. Spelt not swallow heavy metals, it runs and radiation. 200 km from Chernobyl wild wheat has remained clean for a very hard shell. Grain is not fed and peel have special equipment. And this is not profitable to the farmer, processor and baker. But is advantageous for humans because ac45 the grain does not adhere to the intestine and prevent cancer. Very little of the food can be stored as long as wild grain without changing qualities. The plant grows in all soils where other wheats can not. Spelt provides real nutrition, ac45 which now we lie many manufacturers are treading foods with preservatives and dyes.
Even recommended by most healthy food - granola, are not healthy. They are produced after cooking certain types of wheat, crushed between metal rollers ac45 and liquidate all natural. Then bake in metal furnace ac45 at 280 degrees and cover with synthetic vitamins. Advocates that the granola will save people from gastrointestinal diseases. It is a myth!
Archaeologists found the charred seeds of einkorn 15-17 thousand ac45 years ago. This wild wheat remained unchanged. Whatever is found in the Egyptian pyramids, so in the Thracian mounds, it is today. However, we strongly squeezed his grain in barns with deep wrinkles in the middle. And if you thresh it, you can not take off. Must master to chipping, though it cheating to get it out into the world as a wild animal escapes from his hole. And it oskubesh, you can not destroy ac45 it, will appear elsewhere. And if you go south of the Balkan Mountains, einkorn will recognize as a weed along roads and boundaries of southwestern Bulgaria. In the Eastern Rhodopes - more secure. Stem is more than a meter high, thin and tight. The class is compact as a closed fist, the nipple is strong and flattened sides. A low chromosomal composition of spelled has given this venerable endurance.
Now there are many recipes in the kitchens of Western Europe, and food spelled enter our market. I want to light people grow wild wheat to forget diseases such as severe colitis, colon cancer, enterocolitis, etc. The amazing thing is that with 100 g wheatgerm one can spend a whole week without eating another

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