Saturday, December 21, 2013

Business Internet Market Stock Downloads Dvd Games Software Office Parent Category Child Category 1

Business Internet Market Stock Downloads Dvd Games Software Office Parent Category Child Category 1 Sub Child Category 1 Sub Child Category 2 Sub Child Category icemaker 3 Child Category 2 Child Category 3 Child Category 4 Featured Health Childcare Doctors music politics Edit
"Heheheh, it's useless," icemaker Think Ryuuga, "No matter how many times you try to activate it, I rays emit electro magnetic direction icemaker diskmu duel card system icemaker has frozen his magic." "What diskku broken duel!?" Yuki thought, still confused. "But, monsters and cards trapku works, what it actually!?" "Big bro, what's up?" SHO concerned. Next to it, a duelist was watching Yuki with binoculars, "What did he do? Why would not actively magic? Did he not have a material fusionnya?" "There seems to be strange, what he in trouble?" They both none other than the two boys and girls Obelisk Blue. "Manjoume!? Miss Asuka!?" "Ah!" Sho remembered something, "What is this lest the same thing that I experienced was the time when I can not use magic!?" "It may be damaged disc duel right?" Professor Chronos said, "If it is damaged by less taken care of, it's all her fault Drop-Out Boy's icemaker ..." "No!" Sho said. "When duelku with Ryuuga pack, duel disku also can not activate magic, but then when I checked it, it was a duel disku fine!" Meanwhile, the duel continues. "Judai Hey, do not you too old to think? Come on, hurry up!" Ryuuga said. "Shit," Yuki no other choice, "I change position Sparkman to survive, then I call Elemental Hero Ocean on the defensive!" Sparkman DEF: 1400 DEF Elemental Hero Ocean: 1200 "This is bad, I can not use a magic card, damn it!" Yuki thought, "Why be damaged like this, but I've been taking care ..." Yuki's turn is completed, and the next is to turn the pack Ryuuga, "I call Hyper Hammerhead in attack position!" Hyper Hammerhead ATK: 1500 "Hehehe, duel disku have special protective, so I can still use the magic card," icemaker Think Ryuuga, and then activate a card, "I activate Smashing Ground!" Smashing Ground: Destroy the opponent's monsters to survive with the highest DEF. "This Degan, Sparkman ruined!! Then I attack with Hyper Hammerheadku Ocean!" "Akatifkan inverting card!!!!" Yuki withstand the attack, "Enable trap, I hope you, Hero Barrier!" Hero Barrier: If there is a monster called Elemental Hero in the arena, cancel the opponent's attack. "Yeah, if trapnya be activated, then the opponent's attack against Ocean will ... Gwahhhhh!!!!!" Afterwards Cyber Dinosaur instead of directly attacking Yuki. "Wh-why I got a direct attack!?" "If my enemy has survived in the arena monsters, and I sacrificed one my card, I can attack you directly. Sacrificed my Hammerhead, turn over." "Big bro, I hope you win!" SHO concerned said to myself, praying. "Damn, if only I could use magic ... What is really going on diskku!? Was it because yesterday I throw like a boomerang disku? Aaaakhhh!!!! Definitely so!" icemaker Yuki thought. "Judai, icemaker just give up. Unless there is a miracle, you can not possibly win." "Heh! A duelist never give up no more cards, such as the duelist who I admire!" "So, I'll never give up! And one day, I will be king duel!" Yuki is a person who gets a lot of inspiration from Yugi, a living legend in the GX era. "As long as I do not give up, soul and my right hand is going to create a miracle!" Yuki mendraw card. Then, "I call Forestman in attack position! Then I put three cards inverting, turn over!" Forestman ATK: 1000 "Hah, the attack on the turn I will win! Forestman I attack with Cyber Dinosaur!" "Enable inverting card, Morass of Imortality!!!" Morass of Imortality: Changing the attacker monsters ATK becomes half. Cyber Dinosaur ATK: 2500> 1250 "Then I activate the card inverting icemaker again, go ahead! Card that will create magic, Another Fusion!" Another Fusion: Trap Card that would combine two or more existing fusion material in the arena, and at the end of this turn, that monster will be destroyed. "With this, I combine Ocean and Forestman!!" "What? Trap penggabunga!!!?" "And I call, Ji Earth!!! Forward, Ji Earth!!! icemaker Earth Impact!" The monster attacking a target, until finally the LP Ryuuga only two thousand. "Gaah, but it is not finished!!'re Just destroying Cyber Dinosaurku!" Said the man. "Yes, this is not over yet!" Yuki still has advanced, "Enable trap, Shield Strike!" Shield Strike: Activate this card when you strike the opponent's cards, get the opponent icemaker LP worth of damage to the attacking monster defense. "With this, get two thousand direct damage attacks!!!! Yeah, it's over!" "Gyaaaaahhhh!!!!!" LP Ryuuga down derastis be n

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