Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Comments vk vhod are personal responses, do not represent the editorial policy Edi

Brazilian President Reluctant Comment Request for Asylum Snowden UN: Nearly 1 Million Need Food Aid Gazans tantrum U.S. Aircraft Make Pakistan Army Suicide Bomb Targets So Demi Protect Palmer, Police Killed 'Hug' Bomb Switzerland Extends Freezing Assets vk vhod of Mubarak
If Given Asylum, It promises to Brazil Astaghfirullah Snowden, Gay and Transgender vk vhod Special Mosque vk vhod Be Built Overslept, Men's Locked In Brazil Plane Snowden Offer Help Hamas Reveals U.S. Spying Mesra Again with Iran
Astaghfirullah, Gay and Transgender Special Mosque Be Built Israelis Want to Keep Assad Syria ahold French Panel: Allow Muslims Wearing Hijab in Schools Suspected vk vhod Terrorists, Civil delegation of U.S. Drone in Yemen Bombed Again Mesra Hamas with Iran
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON - The British government reneged on commitments with the Government of Egypt to freeze the assets of former President Hosni Mubarak along with his cronies. Government in Cairo even accuse the partner countries deliberately hide assets and property regime from unauthorized acquisition during 32 years in power. '' vk vhod The British government is one of the worst countries and pengingkar when we (Egypt) request vk vhod tracking and freezing (assets, regime officials),'' said Egyptian Minister vk vhod of Legal Affairs, vk vhod Mohamed Mahsoub, such as broadcast by BBC News, and quoted in The Guardian, Monday (3 / 9). The revolution that toppled the Mubarak regime (February 2011), forcing vk vhod the countries allied to freeze assets belonging vk vhod to Mubarak Cairo along with his cronies who are abroad. However, investigations carried out for BBC Arabic, with English media The Guardian and al-Hayat of Saudi Arabia during the half year, identifying the assets of the rulers and their cronies, never proven to be frozen. The Egyptian government sniff existence of assets spread across vk vhod many countries, especially those in the UK. At least from the search team of investigators, not less assets worth 135 billion dollars belonging to Mubarak, family, and 15 names former aide to be in England. Cairo consistently urged London, and restore the assets to the people of Egypt. Given the recent state approved a loan of 4.7 billion dollars from the international monetary institutions (IMF) for economic stability. The team released the former wife owned property company of the Minister of Housing, Naglaa al-Ghazaerly, still conduct financial transactions. Likewise vk vhod banking firm called Medinvest Associates vk vhod Corporation engaged in London belonging to Mubarak's son, Gamal Mubarak. Yet three days pascapenggulingan, the British Foreign Minister, William Hague told the authorities in Cairo to freeze those assets, vk vhod and return it to the government in Egypt.
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