Thursday, December 12, 2013


Gunun g climb like other adventure activities is a strenuous sport activity. Activities that require excellent climber fitness condition. vk vhod The difference with other sports, mountain climbing is done in the middle of the wild outdoors, an environment which is not really vk vhod a human habitat, especially city kids.
Good climbers are aware of the dangers that will confront vk vhod the dangers of the activity is termed objective and subjective hazards. Objective danger is the danger that comes from the properties of nature itself. For example, the mountain has a much cooler air temperature plus the freezing winds, vk vhod rain without shelter, the steepness of the surface which can cause people to slip once the fall risk, rocks, and dense dark night. Hazardous properties can not be altered humans.
However, often times considered a beginner climbers up the mountain as usual recreation. Especially vk vhod popular for mountain and "easy" climb, as Gede, Pangrango or Salak. As a result, they neglect the physical preparation and climbing equipment. Not uncommon among their bodies covered with only a T-shirt with the stock or water biscuits perfunctory.
Although it can not be changed, the actual climbers can reduce its negative impact. For example, by bringing vk vhod warm clothes and thick jackets to protect themselves from the cold. Bring a tent to protect themselves from the rain when camping, bring a flashlight, and so on.
While the advent of subjective danger of oneself, ie how ready he can climb a mountain. Is he fit enough, strong enough, adequate knowledge of the map compass (because there are no traffic signs on the mountain), and so on.
As an illustration, the National SAR Agency record that from January 1998 to April 2001, there were 47 victims of climbing a mountain in Indonesia, which consists of 10 people died, 8 people missing, 29 people survived, two people were seriously injured and slightly injured one person, of the entire recorded ascent (National SAR Agency, 2001)
Other data, from 1969 to 2001, and Pangrango mountain Gede in West Java has killed over 34 people. Furthermore, of the 4,000 people who tried to climb Everest as the highest peak in the world, only 400 people who managed to reach the summit and about 100 people died. Average climbing accident that occurred vk vhod at 8000 m has been recorded under as much as 25% in each period climbing.
Both hazards can be further reduced by the preparation. General preparation must a climber before starting to climb the mountain, among others: Bringing navigation tools such as climbing location maps, maps, altimeters [gauge height somewhere above sea level], or compass. To that end, a climber should know how to read maps and do the orientation. Do occasionally climb when the group experienced no in-depth vk vhod knowledgeable vk vhod about climbing and navigation. Make sure the condition of the body healthy and strong. Exercise such as running or swimming on a regular basis before climbing. Bring appropriate climbing equipment. For example, waterproof jacket or poncho, separate clothes for dry camping should always travel with clothes, shoes or rubber boots (not bersendal), flashlight and batteries to taste, tents, sleeping bags, mattresses. Calculate the travel vk vhod time to adjust logistics needs. How much should carry rice, fuel, side dishes, and plates and glasses. Bring water containers should always be filled vk vhod all the way. Bring medical equipment, such as iodine, vk vhod bandages, and specific drugs for patients with certain illnesses. Do not be ashamed to learn and discuss with a group of nature lovers who are now scattered in secondary schools or universities. Measure the ability of self. If not able to continue the trip, do not hesitate to get back home.
Indeed, mountain climbing has an element of adventure. Adventure is as a form of thought which began with a feeling of uncertainty about the outcome of the trip and always end up feeling satisfied because the success of the trip. The feeling that comes when venturing is fear of facing danger physically or psychologically. Without fear then there is no adventure because there is no challenge too.
The risk of high mountain climbing, does not preclude the climbers to keep continue with the climb, because Zuckerma stated that the mountaineers had a tendency sensation seeking [hunting sensation] high. The sensation seeker consider and accept the risk as the value or price of something that is obtained from the sensation or experience itself. The experiences are pleasant or unpleasant the form of self-esteem [pride / confidence].

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