Thursday, December 5, 2013

Products 125g soft butter 100g icing sugar 2 egg yolks 1 vanilla zest of 1/2 orange 100g finely gro

Crackers and cookies | Blog Zani
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Merry, dear readers! I want to wish you a very warm and happy moments over Christmas and the new year 2012 is rich in beautiful soft serve ice cream machines emotions and happiness. DO NOT STOP dreaming and smiling. Thank you very much, that you exist! HAPPY HOLIDAYS and cheers!
Products 125g soft butter 100g icing sugar 2 egg yolks 1 vanilla zest of 1/2 orange 100g finely ground tea biscuits 100g finely ground roasted peeled almonds flour for soft dough
Preparation * Mix butter with powdered sugar and add the egg yolks. Season with vanilla and orange peel. * Mix the biscuits and almonds. Pour them in butter and mix. You can use vanilla biscuits, flavored honey and butter or cocoa. soft serve ice cream machines And you can replace the almonds with other nuts. * Gradually start adding the flour. You do not need exact measure your hands alone will feel when the dough is ready. Should remain soft but not sticky. Work quickly, do not knead long arms. Otherwise, the water in the oil will start to separate soft serve ice cream machines from it and the dough will become brittle soft serve ice cream machines and hard. Put it in the fridge for 30 minutes * Roll the dough into small areas on the counter lightly dusted with flour or baking paper. Cut out cookies with cookie cutters. * Arrange the cookies on a tray covered with baking paper. Bake them in a preheated 170 * oven until lightly porozovyavane.Sled cooling soft serve ice cream machines them decorate as desired. I decorated them with icing protein. Enjoy your meal and happy holidays!
I offer you these very fragile and aromatic soft serve ice cream machines biskviti.Nalichieto cheese in them makes them tender and soft inside and crispy otvan.Chudesno addition to your morning coffee you! Ingredients for about 50 pieces. 120g soft butter 100g ricotta cheese 180g sugar 1 orange peel 1 ch.l.nastargana ch.l.nastargana lemon peel 1 egg 1 vanilla 2 soft serve ice cream machines half ch.l.bakpulver 1/4ch.l.soda bicarbonate pinch salt 1 1/ baked chips crushed almonds Preparation * With a mixer, beat the butter well with the cheese and sugar. Add the egg and grated peel. * Sift the flour together with thickeners, salt and vanilla. Pour it into the butter mixture and mix. Finally add nuts and chocolate chips. * Leave the prepared mixture in the fridge for 30 minutes Spread tray with baking paper and a small scoop make piles of cookie dough. Allow between 2-3 cm distance, soft serve ice cream machines as in baking spill. soft serve ice cream machines
Products 125 g soft butter '70 powdered sugar 1 egg 200 g flour 1/4 ch.l.bakpulver 1 vanilla topping 1 '70 soft serve ice cream machines oil 100g sour cream 1-2 roasted coconut ( quantity is compared to the desired density) lemon and orange peels '50 chocolate 100g milk chocolate Preparation * For the dough mix the sugar with the butter cream and add the egg. Sift flour with baking powder and vanilla and pour in the oil. Hands quickly make butter crumbs and assemble them into a ball. Divide it into 3 parts and form rolls with a desired diameter. Each roll wrapped in fresh foil and give to it a cylindrical shape. Place the rolls in the freezer for 30 minutes to firm well. Cut them cookies and place them on a tray covered with baking paper. Bake them in a preheated oven at 170 * until pinking. soft serve ice cream machines
* For the caramel topping. soft serve ice cream machines Add the butter and pull from the heat. Stir and pour the cream and continue stirring. At first the mixture looks like a truncated because it separates the oil from the sugar, but then becomes smooth and homogeneous. If you start to tighten and stir harder back court on the stove to warm it up. Finally pour coconut and citrus peels. On each cookie pour one teaspoon of topping while still slightly warm. Not spreading evenly and not excessive smoothing. Allow the cookies slightly "messy".
* Finally, stop and black chocolate. Pour it in a paper cone, cut the tip of his little hole and decorate cookies. * Received the extremely delicious cookies. With soft caramel and taste of baked coconut just tantalizingly soft serve ice cream machines delicious. You can replace the coconut with a variety of nuts, again pre-baked.
Products 125 g soft butter 1 cup sugar 1 egg 1 cup 2 tablespoons coconut honey 2 vanillin 1 1/2 cups flour 1/2 tsp baking powder 1 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen

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