Thursday, December 12, 2013

Chairman of the Vocational PK2MABA refused to be questioned when he was met by Lot 10.

MALANG - KAV.10 Saturday (7/9) seen a number of students from the Student Association of Electrical UB (UB) students ice pop maker go to a new row (Maba) Vocational Education UB while doing a long march along the street front Graha Sainta UB. They are seen yelling in the direction of Vocational Maba row. Finally, the mobilization of Vocational Freshmen had to stop because the atmosphere is heating up between the Student Association of Electrical and Vocational Education. ice pop maker
Then after a while, the atmosphere and the liquid returned back Maba Vocational ice pop maker mobilized. Allegedly, when did the long march, passing through the area of Vocational Faculty of Engineering (FT) and the students are not happy because they are in the jargon of Vocational shouted FT region. "We did not step on the territory of the Faculty of Engineering," said Sukiman, security personnel guarding their nets Vocational Vocational long march. Attitude dismiss the long march Sukiman considered as a form of arrogance. "Earlier we were facing about 20 people even more, until my distress to cool the atmosphere. As an educated student should not be that way, "he explained.
He added, when the group passed through the area of Vocational other faculties such as Faculty of Humanities (FIB) and the Faculty of Medicine (FK), there was no trouble. According to his testimony, the group did not step Vocational FT region. "We go through a public road," he said.
Chairman of the Vocational PK2MABA refused to be questioned when he was met by Lot 10. "I can not give information about the incident with the Faculty of Engineering PK2MABA committee because of the committee still membicarakanya with the dean," said Hani, Chief Executive Introduction of New Students ice pop maker Campus Life (PK2MABA) Vocation. (Arz / aya)
Tags: Journal Ospek PK2MABA Previous story Move To UB Sport Centre, Disability Enthusiastic Next story Freshmen OSJUR, ATTRIBUTES YOUNG BLUE EYES OPEN detachable Related Posts SHORT FILMS THROUGH BLIND October 21, 2013 Leaf On Top Pillow: Grim Portrait of Indonesian Children Forget September 20, 2013 UB TV audition invaded HUNDREDS OF PARTICIPANTS July 8, 2013 PK2MU UB DISABILITIES AND KING BRAWIJAYA ice pop maker 2013 September 4, 2013
FT concerned ice pop maker .... Students always have a level of arrogance that "more" than the other, ... Ko pak guard, already not the time to play preman2an, thugs fate in Cebongan wrote .... tp age need maturation
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