Saturday, June 28, 2014

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Okay, the last few days I have been working with LCHF recipes and paleo-recipes and vegetable recipes and loyalty cake recipes (recipes and chocolate) and all possible so now comes the bread recipe. manitowoc parts For some reason a lot of people started to believe manitowoc parts that the bread and especially and particularly gerbrauð is the most unhealthy good if not toxic. I'm not in that group.
Actually, I would really have been with either a recipe for some vegetarian or some gorgeous romantic and seductive dishes that every man would fall for kylliflatur. On today is actually both news that græmetisætur get less heart disease than other people and that marriage is good for the heart. Or perhaps rather remain single is bad for the heart, especially for women, because women are the ones said to be 60-65% increased risk of heart attack than married women.
But anyway, I baked bread. This is not a refrigerator bread as commonly I behind (although it could just store the dough guess), but a rough five-grain bread I baked one hand the wafer and the other as a loaf of bread. Since I used the exact same dough I had a little less fluid than usual to be able to flat it out in flat bread.
I put all the raw material in the mixer bowl in one: 250 g whole wheat, 200 g bread flour, 100 g of the five grains mixture, 300 ml lukewarm water 1 tbsp leaven, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons of olive oil. I had so more wheat available and added as needed; It is always easier to knead more flour if the dough is too wet, but add liquid if it is too dry.
I let the machine knead the dough a good time, until it was smooth and a clean interior. The dough should be soft and a bit humid - or at least not dry - but it should be easy to knead it without it, you're paint with your hands. manitowoc parts I spread humid viskastykki over the bowl and let the dough lift up like 1-1 1/2-2 hours.
Lift the dough well and was smooth and easy handling but not as elastic as if I had used bread flour only. I broke it down (ie, drove his fist into it to push out the air), it took from the bowl, kneaded it a bit and drew the sword length. I first cut it in half and saw me so changed his mind and decided to use only a third part of the flat bread and the other in a loaf of bread.
I switched wafers moiety of four phases, each of which flat out round, thin cake. Arrange them on a paper lined baking pan and let the bread lift up like half an hour but the temperature while the oven to 225 C.
I cylindrical shaped bread from the rest of the dough and put in hefunarkörfu, well heilhveitistráða. You can also use regular basket manitowoc parts or bowl, oblong or round, spread over viskastykki and sprinkling flour on the dough before it is placed in a basket / bowl. I made it so lift up like 40-50 minutes.
1 tablespoon yeast
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