Sunday, June 1, 2014

The question is the way this game has just happened? No, it was from decades. The damage tamale kin

Want to get China to surpass tamale king yourself | Bird Forum Vietnam
Old people tamale king have a saying, "Tien charge century, post-charge person". History of life thousands of years alongside neighboring bigger than how many times, been colonized China thousands of years, but I never have to live cowardly fathers, our fathers never losing an inch land in the hands of military expansionism. For the situation that China is increasingly blatantly turn, behave tamale king as if they want to be as today, a large part is due to the fault of the authorities VN.
It can be seen throughout the years as "friends, comrades" lip them cold, then enemies, then go back to shake hands, the authorities seem to VN Group Zhongnanhai has not escaped the following weaknesses:
No need to wait until now the true face of Beijing to Hanoi and the new VN people out. But it seems that the communist party and the state still refuses VN see, or have seen and have in order to lull his "friendship impracticable" (to use his right from Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung), or did not seek to escape, on the contrary, more deep, more dependent.
Granted during the period as he beat France beat the United States, the goal of VN Communist Party at that time was by all accounts have to be Southern, unified the whole country into their own hands, ignoring the neighboring relationship relations with communist countries "elder". Moreover, the period of the Soviet Union and Communist China that help and assist tamale king for North Vietnam very much, because that debt VN communist ignorance not malice tamale king looked tamale king Chinese to North America to help is also made Chinese favor. However, relations between the two sides are not perfectly fine, as evidenced tamale king by the North slowly leaned toward the Soviet Union.
But when China embarked for America, bringing their military forces tamale king in Vietnam war Vietnam-China border in 1979, the then supposed friendship between the two sides to cease completely. And actually ended many years later, if not panic before the collapse of the Soviet Union and the socialist bloc in Eastern Europe 1990-1991, VN to order pullovers on the second loop when normalization Contact with China in the weak through 1990 Conference Chengdu, opening a new era under the Chinese.
From China to 80% winning major projects in VN, which are mostly construction, mining, hydroelectric ... Who knows, the quality, the technical skill of the Chinese company China lags behind Western countries, because of their low bid, said "more common, kickbacks" bold but winning, then the result is often prolonged, poor quality, to repair, the capital a lot. During project implementation, the Chinese bring to all the materials for screws, nails, tamale king VN no profit at all, for they brought with them from human engineers and experts to unskilled workers , the VN also no more jobs from these projects.
From China to smuggle goods of poor quality, counterfeit goods, counterfeit goods and hazardous, unsafe food into the country by way of smuggling, sabotage the economy, health poisoned VN. Chinese traders regularly through VN, scavenged purchase agricultural and fishery products, fishing, trapping farmers, fishermen Vietnam in the early afternoon screaming at high prices, farmers are racing to grow, feed commodities that traders need, then they lower the price or not buy anymore, the anti-hole rimmed farmers, production tamale king is disturbed.
That's not to say the way to go shopping for items like none other, not knowing tamale king what to do, from foundation buffalo, cow hoof, ... yellow snails, a few years back, the leeches, leaves it dry, dry coconut, root pepper, tamale king root sim, cassava leaves, potato leaves, boss, etc ... In the immediate indirect land is upsetting production, causing damage to people, the long-term ecological imbalance, harm environmental, economic sabotage.
The question is the way this game has just happened? No, it was from decades. The damage tamale king was so clear. So why is the state still can not control, stop? Along side that, why in the past dozen years quietly not actively seek to convert, replacing tamale king its reliance tamale king on Chinese economy by trying to build relationships tamale king with business partners other countries, and remove every difficulty, enabling maximum business enterprises in most countries domestic economy stronger?
To come today when relations between the two sides stress, VN also facing fears will suffer severe tamale king consequences if China economic ties cut, or seek to retaliate, "punish" by economic measures. Political, military, tamale king defense, after the border tamale king war in 1979 and the series of land, island and sea, VN What lessons have been learned to prevent China someday to play bad , accounting for more attacks erupted few islands or a new war?
Some people will tell VN weapons acquisition also greatly expand relations with many countries around the world etc. ... To be honest, the VN shopping is a ten Chinese shopping comparison about investing with a defense water, tamale king how much money to leave. And expanding relationships

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