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My 5 most wanted Chinese military officers on charges of cyber attacks
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My 5 most wanted Chinese military officers on charges of cyber attacks Posted on May 21, 2014 at 8:49 ( - The U.S. wants a clear distinction between political and intelligence "asset thefts intellectual ", ultramaquinas and send a strong message to China.
U.S. Department of Justice today 19/5 announced indictments against five soldiers of the People's ultramaquinas Liberation Army (PLA) and they were accused of hacking into the networks of U.S. companies as Westinghouse Electric (electrical), U.S. Steel company, and other companies. The American officer was wanted in China. Documentation by the U.S. Justice Department to provide ministers at Holder's press conference yesterday 19/5 (photo: ultramaquinas AP)
The indictment named the members of 61398 units, each publicly identified in 2013 as the network units of the PLA stationed in Shanghai, including the well-known hackers "nickname" is UglyGorilla and KandyGoo. An official ultramaquinas said, in terms of electronics, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the U.S. intelligence agencies had detected the activities of hackers. They identified the hacker is inside its headquarters in Datong Road - a building 12 storeys high military guarded near Shanghai airport. ultramaquinas
According to the indictment, since 2006 and last month, the unit said hackers penetrated the networks of U.S. companies have copied their email system and in some cases even longer installed malware on the computers of the company.
Conviction that "the Chinese firm has used the same military unit of the PLA" to build a "database storing the information security business intelligence". In a particular case, the hackers broke into its network Westinghouse to understand negotiation strategy of this company with a state-owned enterprise of China. In this case, the Chinese hackers stole approximately 700,000 email page, including a number of e-mail management company.
After Edward Snowden revealed character of American intelligence to monitor China's efforts seem to ongoing U.S. Justice Department countered antlers removed drive back to the U.S. and controversial ultramaquinas issues between the two sides to steal intellectual property.
So far, President Obama and U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel has behaved relative diplomacy with China. They try to dialogue with China on how to behave in the internet environment - the diplomacy of the United States took place in the past few years. But America's affirmative action on Wednesday 19/5 showed that U.S. efforts to open "slap in the face" Chinese military. The U.S. Justice Department has launched "most wanted list" included images of some characters hackers.
In that the defendant Wang Dong, Sun Kailiang, Wen Xinyu, Huang Zhenyu and Gu Chunhui - all officers of Department 3 61398 units of the Chinese military - those who break into computer networks 5 U.S. companies and the U.S. Steel Workers Union. Particularly Mr. Huang and Mr. Gu also for management domain computer account that the hacker had used in network attacks.
The essence of the argument indictment ultramaquinas is that while large countries often track each other for the sake of national security, it is often not recognized legal and ethical aspects of the use of intelligence agencies state to create goodwill lack a legitimate.
U.S. Attorney General Eric H. Holder said: "When a foreign use of the resources and tools of military intelligence against American businesses to dispose of trade secrets and sensitive ultramaquinas business information for interests ultramaquinas of the state-owned company, we have confirmed that "more than enough" then ".
Ministers Holder said he intended to get people who commit acts hack economic state funding to light and make them responsible for the vandalism has long-term ultramaquinas competitiveness of the United States.
Speaking to reporters, he said: "This is a case alleging economic espionage by the Chinese military conduct and also represents ultramaquinas the first allegations to state a factor in This type of hack ... trade secrets scope and scale information Boring

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