Friday, June 27, 2014

... Dumped and 125 g of wheat out. I usually mixed particles of sugar and salt with (1-2 teaspoons

Obviously everyone is ready to bake buns though bolludagurinn is not until tomorrow. But I'm still going to put in some pictures of cups that I baked today. Ornamented hisna actually, because I took any pictures while I was decorating and when time was given to form the buns were all created hisna ... I insert a picture of the cup last year or hitteðfyrra, it will now not usually very great changes of year to year. Had sooo ...
I melted 75 g of butter at low heat and when melted I poured 250 ml of milk in a pot and heat. This then poured into the mixer bowl, adding 250 ml of water and checked the temperature. It should be as close to 37-40 C, if it is higher, this person will just wait a bit. So I scattered 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 tablespoon of dry do over and had to wait for about 5 minutes. Then I mixed 2 tablespoons of sugar, 3/4 teaspoon of salt and a good bunch of flour and stirred well, adding more flour and kneaded the dough in the machine. I do not know where the quantity of wheat was, just kept on adding until I got a smooth and soft dough that crashed though no appreciable hands.
I spread so viskastykki over the bowl and let the dough stand for over an hour. As can be seen lifting it handy; It shows a pattern of wisdom piece on the surface of the dough device because it lifted up completely to the western edge of the bowl.
I kneaded the dough just to check how tight it was - if there is no way to knead it without it, you're paint a lot of hands may kneading a little flour in it, but it should be as soft as possible to it. I switched it out for 24 pieces and kneaded each of them in small round punch (it's good to dip your hands in flour from time to time).
I ranked two cups plates and flatter them only with your fingers. So long I viskastykki over and gave them a lift in about half an hour. While I oven heated to 200 C. So I pence attracts buns with milk, put them in the oven in the near bottom rim and baked them for 12 minutes.
The temperature needs to be rather weak while the butter is melting, it is important that the mixture boil until the butter is melted. And it should not let this boil anything; as soon as Sudan I was quenched under a pot ...
... Dumped and 125 g of wheat out. I usually mixed particles of sugar and salt with (1-2 teaspoons of sugar and salt in hnífsoddi) but there is no essential. But it is important to begin to stir as soon as the wheat is up, stirring briskly, hisna until the dough is all come together hisna and not adhering to the pot. Flour and warm water is absorbed very quickly and if the wheat is not all laid out in the same time or if one is not efficient enough to stir the risk that the dough will be unevenly.
But it is now perhaps less important because I always use a mixer to whip the eggs with. And I put the dough does not wait anything - what matters is that the dough is not hotter than 60 C when the first egg goes out. For me at least sufficient cooling is obtained by mixing the flour to the pot and then again to put the dough in the mixer bowl and place blew ran off. But it can test this by putting.
I then break the eggs into a cup, one at a time, and blow them up with the dough. Commonly recipes say 3-4 eggs and this depends mainly on the size of eggs. I use large eggs and I always fail three. hisna - In the old recipes seem to me often talk about 4 eggs for a similar amount of dough and here's the eggs were often smaller in the past. But a little hisna more about the eggs below.
It must be mixed dough fairly well, especially if it is stirred with ladles, and for two reasons. On the one hand, the stirring air into it by lifting the cup blockage is to the air and the water in the steam and converted to the expanded heat. And the need to mobilize glútenið 'in the flour and make it elastic so that it combines with proteins in the egg shell, hisna which closes the steam inside the cup and prevent it escaping as soon as Punch falls.
If too few eggs in the dough becomes hard shell outside of the cup and thin air escapes easily from her cup falls. If too much of the egg shell becomes too rigid and hard punch and lifts itself not enough. (There are of course other factors which influence this.)
myth of frying meat
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