Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Desperate situation of the country now has serious challenges, both great opportunity for our natio

From the beginning of May 2014, China mobilized many ships, especially ships armed military vessels ice ice and aircraft support for placing unauthorized Hai Duong rig at position 981 in the deep continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone of Vietnam, invasive ships, fishing boats and ships of Vietnam's activities in these waters. ice ice It is an act of aggression by force, blatantly violating the law and the international commitments that China has signed, marked a new escalation of dangerous forces in China expansion schemes encroachment on the South China Sea, seriously violated Vietnam's sovereignty, threaten the sovereignty of other countries bordering the South China Sea and directly threatened peace and security, ice ice maritime safety in the region. This action, along with the stubborn attitude, distorting the truth before the objections of international opinion, has exposed expansionist ice ice ambition of the Chinese authorities, betrayed the friendship between the two peoples ice ice Vietnam-China.
Desperate situation when national sovereignty being violated requires analysis and forecasting for policy changes and respond proactively. This responsibility is in place before the end of the leadership body of the Communist Party of Vietnam ice ice (CPV), the ruling ice ice party. A few days after Chinese drilling platform, ice ice the 9th Conference of the Central Committee of the Communist Party met XI in 7 days (from 8/5 to 14/5 2014) but does not meet the above requirements. Addressing the opening and closing of the General Secretary of the Communist Party as well as the announcement ice ice of the end of the conference are not condemned, analysis and proposed responses against intrigue and action ice ice of forces invaded the new expansion China. Thus, when the country faced great danger, the CPV Central Committee, first as General Secretary and Politburo slacked her responsibilities for the country, for the people.
Prior to the Wildlife Center of the Chinese government and people will want to express aggression against protecting national sovereignty, but peaceful protests in the last few years have been government repression. After "service rig," patriotic demonstrations of people still do not get government support, but also use various ice ice forms impede, disrupt should not achieve scale and efficiency reflect and union outrage Vietnam's 90 million people the previous invaders. Even more serious is the situation off guard and sudden paralysis of puzzling authorities and the security forces to intercept the bad elements of inciting protests and vandalism in some place, causing damage to a number of foreign enterprises, the economy and for national prestige. Public opinion is not known exactly who was behind the agitation for this intentionally, but one thing is clear that the Chinese authorities to immediately inflate the riot act to obscure aggression in the South China Sea and smearing the image of Vietnam. The authorities ice ice of our country while assisting businesses damaged, reassure foreign investors, ice ice which took the incident as an excuse to prevent people continue to protest the Chinese invasion.
Desperate situation of the country now has serious challenges, both great opportunity for our nation to revive the country along the ethnic lines and democracy, first cleared vaguely aware of the forces armchairs China, apparent infiltration, manipulation by many subtle ice ice tricks ice ice and sinister forces of this country on many fronts that we must strive to get rid of the dependency, building neighborly ice ice relations, peace, friendship on the basis of autonomy, equality ice ice and mutual respect.
Recognized ice ice public opinion and the views and support ice ice positive ice ice action in recent ice ice times many people have responsibility ice ice in the ruling apparatus in the industry, the front-end ploy Chinese expansionism. In this expression, emerged remarks ice ice of the Prime Minister at the ASEAN Summit meeting on 11-5, in conference World Economic Forum East Asia 22-5 days, especially claims "Vietnam is not subject to review certain claims to receive a sacred ice ice order of peace, ice ice friendship illusory, that depends," ice ice reflect the will of our people.
The current situation requires and provide the basis for the officials and party members faithful to pray for the people because the water center with people pointed and uncompromising struggle against the views and spineless attitude towards invaders, violence, deception of the people, anxiety about loss of power over the country's ice ice leadership in a number of central agencies and at all levels, especially ice ice those who have shady relations ice ice with the government China. These positive factors in the ruling class should get rid of the brake control and a long, close relationship with the people to the people promoting political reform, institutional transformation from a totalitarian to a democratic way moderate association with economic reform, ice ice cultural, educational, bringing ice ice the country out of crisis ice ice and profound ice ice Comprehensive today, opening a new page in the history of the nation. Only then will we gather, unite the whole people

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