Sunday, June 15, 2014

Nature Curtain

Wilias I am, and I'm addicted to rhubarb! It's so easy to grow not it. You do not need to do anything, except give a bit of fertilizer on the soil surface before the spring, and it becomes a good crop every year. And I want more.
Three plant here. One is a piece of my father's heart; one is a piece of root from a friend at work; and one I bought last year. Okay, botanically, rhubarb is a vegetable, snow ice not a fruit, but Jack the posh chefs here who rattled that he was going well with mackerel aballu: snow ice very sure I want dessert!
A jam! I never rhubarb jam before, because you do not keep enough of it in baking snow ice crymbls and stiws etc. I'm sure, and for that pot comes out annually by grandparents snow ice Rhiwbach. But it was more than the usual crop this year so here goes. He's a terrible hard to get it to set without added pectin they said (none of Stiniog shops selling sugar with pectic and I did not want to make a special journey), snow ice so never mind lemon juice in it to try. I could not in my life and get the mixture to reach the 104 degree necessary, and I ferwis to our hard about twice the time the books suggest, to get to Setting snow ice is fair.
Dew, he's good. As well as that I'm more reluctant than usual to share pots with extended family, but much of the pleasure in sharing tea (damia!), so out of 4 pounds of rhubarb, one lb pot on the table, snow ice and three others in the closet. We had also crumble; with pink legs and a nice garden rhubarb came earlier from grandparents Field Cozy, lovely stew to go with ice cream and yogurt.
One small crop to gather again no doubt, but today was an important job you'd think he had broken the flower growing on one of the plants. I've never seen a flower on one before, and although JEJones (Gardening Book. 1969) advises us to prune flowers 'is the first opportunity there ^ ny', I've let it evolve to be seen. The Small is thrilled that he was taller than her, and the little flowers are strikingly beautiful in examining. But it had to be cut before it brought too much energy and nutrients from the roots. snow ice
Wilias Gardener drama; had unsuccessful battle with weeds, snails, rodents, birds, and all the rain Stiniog for five years. Also stupid enough to move into allotment rocky, soil-free, and wet, since 2012 ... View my complete profile
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Nature Curtain
apple broccoli rocket bike Elgg food cake dislikes-likes weed claytonia cherry tree until leaf mold compost bog water drainage wandering clouds cyrins Day Photos bardsey beans snow plum fruit backyard fence ditch Gerald snow ice Pennant dragonfly rain gardens grass bed gooseberries moth holidays seeds blueberry jam lluarth snail trail raspberry strawberry Blackbird OCA horsetail artichokes baked parsley peas yellow peas pond insects allotment rhubarb rhododendron rhoswydden weather The Welshman
truth of the word ...

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