Monday, July 7, 2014

Disable fire shorts,

Vsir - Bjrgunarafrek Selfoss asfaltiranje
Björgunarsveitarmenn Selfoss seem to have worked daring action achievement when they rescued a young man who fell RBL Ölfus night. Gmbjörgunarbtur became non-powered middle ti and samtmis DW as including stjrnlaust drove down lgandi flðir fljtsins meðvitundarltinn with the driver on board, they blow it and LFI hnoðuðu.
It was just before eleven o'clock last night police received notification of blindness. The driver was conscious and including hole waved land when rescue teams arrived platform. The water levels were nni including about hlfum meters higher than today and was hn s was also much higher. Successfully n t and the driver on board björgunarbtinn but when should sail with the land killed the engine btsins that DW supposedly because s got mTOR. You can dr of the man and he stopped breathing samtmis DW btinn which drove down oil. Rescuers tkst however blsa LFI it and knead the frame rate and the country with the cats below Church of Selfoss. The driver, asfaltiranje ntjn ra r Reykjavk boy, was brought to sjkrahs Reykjavkur and is recovering. Odd rnason aðstoðaryfirlögregluþjnn says björgunarsveitarmenn has set itself high risk and they did not deserve the honor of SN task. day had subsided again that much of the NNI björgunarsveitarmenn gtu t gone to blnum fr country and bring it under control. Went sðan fljtt and well HFA him land n. This event, however, raises once again questions about the safety of road users and believes sslumaðurinn Selfoss lafur Helgi Kjartansson, asfaltiranje the FTT otherwise be done than by a fence na vegriði. Thus shocks to expected situations like hlku, like last night, and DW can be added to this happening again.
Observation. Hide all comments are those r publications. Vsir encourages readers to a stick with mlefnalega discussions. asfaltiranje Also understand Vsir Srrta to a fjarlgja rumeiandi ea SMIL when commenting.
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Disable fire shorts, "g

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