Sunday, July 6, 2014

So edges are groomed and it is easiest to do by just sliding roller over cake and let the pressure

I came across a picture of chocolate pie on the internet the other day. She was terribly pleasant. But there were a few things in the recipe that I was not like or felt was not suitable so I decided to do it. I still wanted to make chocolate pie of massive tag so I looked in books and looked more recipes. Found nothing that I liked quite meet the mark that I put chocolate pie plans on the shelf for now.
So I started thinking about earlier if I should make something tasty and pleasing colleagues tomorrow (they deserved it, I prefer a good co-workers). big ice cube tray Then I started thinking about what I should to - chocolate, yes, cream, yes, mascarponeostur, hazelnuts, Juju, strawberries, yes ... heard this was just completely pure ideal raw material in chocolate pie. And best get started while still be bright enough to take pictures of everything.
So I added 150 g of flour, 1 tablespoon of sugar, a little salt and 125 cold butter, cut into small pieces. Let the machine operate until it was all well integrated into and added slowly to ice cold water (2-3 tablespoons total) until easy to knead the dough and flatten it out.
So I flat out dough fairly thin wheat trod tape, until it had become somewhat larger respectively than the form that I was using (which was actually rather small). It is the most effective way of using a loose bottom pie shape if it exists.
So edges are groomed and it is easiest to do by just sliding roller over cake and let the pressure of the handle to cut the excess dough off. I kneaded cuttings so the ball and use it for cookies, see later.
So I cut out a circle of baking paper and put the dough and then I put on top of the discard, - these are made until the clay balls and it is just like using dried beans or rice. So put this in the oven (bottom rim) and baked for 15 minutes.
Then I took the pie shell out, lift the paper with the discarded it, put it back in the oven and baked it for five minutes. Took it out again and then left to cool in the form. While I made the filling.
I began to melt 300 g of chocolate in a water bath. Or the double pot in this case. My son gave me this pot for many years and I love it. It's just one Smagina He is left-handed. I am a long time have learned to use it despite it - but if you know of someone who is left-handed like a pot for right-handed, I'm willing to switch ...
But I had these strawberries that had to use ... So went back to the refrigerator and will be there until the morning. Which means I can not tasted it. But there was a surplus of dough I had left a little of the chocolate filling.
Otherwise, I just realized that my plan is to make me more popular big ice cube tray with colleagues will definitely click. There are so many of them in restraint big ice cube tray and will definitely just be pissed if I could Protocol tomorrow. So now the question is whether I make them just Fulani or if I just go with no books and sit alone to her.
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