Tuesday, July 1, 2014

I usually feel better flavor jumped bread so I only took about 1 teaspoon of caraway and coarse bea

Have I not rest steaks and pastries something soon - except maybe if I do something fun for the New Year. But otherwise starts now The Age of Austerity, to the extent that I am able something like that.
But there is still something of stash I need to use. For example, the I bit of a humdinger of cheeses, including two Stiltonost, pretty good. Do not really know if I do anything from him, he is the best as it comes, but when I wanted the cheese at noon today missing my bread with him. I had no dough ready in the fridge so I decided to bake me rúghrökkbrauð.
First, I have a specific recipe in mind but would so that it is yeast and the bread needs to lift themselves for at least an hour. As long I do not bother waiting so I decided to bake a simpler type, chemical-free lifting ice 10 altogether.
I usually feel better flavor jumped bread so I only took about 1 teaspoon of caraway and coarse beat it. Of course we can use various spices and seeds as it can for example be useful to use a bit of chili or those meals black pepper. But cumin is a classic.
So I stirred the dough a good time with the spiral on the console but it is also possible to knead it by hand. Then it looked like it had clearly more water so I added 1 tablespoon of warm water and half a tablespoon to one a little later.
... But once passing to knead it by hand turns out that it is precisely the appropriate. It should be such that it sticking together and being able to knead it in pretty much crack loose ball but still fairly dry to touch and you're paint absolutely nothing with your hands.
I switched so the dough in half. Then you just need to roll it out thin enough, the thinner, the better - up to Christmas bread thickness but it can be difficult. I find it easiest to roll it so thin on marble plate smaller than most would probably be best to flatten the dough out on bökunarpappírsörk (or even between two sheets). It is admittedly difficult to roll it thin enough, or it found me anyway, but on the other hand it is possible to turn the dough sheet with all edges while being flattened and so do not have to transfer the dough to a baking sheet it is only possible to reduce the sheet of paper.
So I melted 1-2 tablespoons of butter, ice 10 pens attracts dough with it and jumped baked bread (twofold) high in the oven for about 10-12 minutes, or until the edges were beginning to brown. So let it cool down before I broke it apart into flakes.
I tried to sprinkle sesame seeds on the part of the dough before I baked it, but it was not really up, the seed would not adhering. Probably I would have had to press it into the dough with kökukefli if it should have been working.
Thin 2 teaspoons honey
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