Sunday, July 13, 2014

Star Julia Preda trying to follow a balanced lifestyle that includes 3 meals and 2 snacks per day t

The diet of women employed, followed by Yulia Preda
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Preda star Julia believes that it can follow a diet no matter how trying is our daily program. It also said that women employed who want to follow a healthy diet really succeed regardless and does not seek excuses to justify eating fast-food. Yulia Preda work all week, even on Saturday and Sunday with a very busy especially at Giga Tv programs, shows where we have two done and it shows: "We to be healthy" from 10:00 to 11:00 on Saturday and "Weekend GTV" Sundays from 15:00 to 17:00. Whatever the situation is not tempted to fall into the net of a bad diet plus, star practice physical activity in the little free time he has. Menu for a week followed by Iulia Preda
Monday star wakes at 6:30 and breakfast serves a cup of milk and cereal or yogurt and cereal. At 11:00 serves a snack that consists of a fruit: avocado, kiwi, orange, pear, banana, apple, pomelo or pomegranate. It only serves lunch from 14:00 and it consists of a hot soup or main course which consists of stewed vegetables. Afternoon snack is followed at 17 and consists of a cereal bar or protein, and dinner is just about an avocado. 20:30 After going to the gym where practice making ice cream games Kangoo Jumps.
Tuesday Breakfast is served immediately after waking, cereal with yogurt or milk plus a soft-boiled egg and a slice of bread Wasa. Snack at 11 contains also a fruit of your choice from the list above. At noon (14 pm) July Preda consume a serving of chicken breast with vegetables. Dinner is served with a green smoothie celery, making ice cream games banana, spinach, avocado and an apple.
Wednesday Wednesday lively start with a breakfast containing a fruit salad and an egg firt soft snack avocado contains 11 am and noon star serves pasta preparation. At snack at 17 July Preda indulge in a little dessert - banana and chocolate, and dinner consists of a protein bar and a fresh orange juice. At 20 follows a good portion of Kangoo Jumps at the gym.
Thursday star breakfast serves a soft boiled egg, drink a cup of milk and a slice of bread Wassa to snack eat a kiwi 11 noon following that (in this case at 14 o'clock) a saute of vegetables and dark chocolate. The second day includes two banana snack and dinner (19 hours) served a cabbage salad with lemon and oil.
Friday Day Friday begins with a yogurt with cereal, following the first day snack contain a vegetable salad and for lunch from 14 am Julia Preda consume chicken salad with vegetables without too many sauces. The second day snack contains a vegetable salad and the last meal of the day consists only of two bananas and chocolate.
Saturday Usually making ice cream games on Saturday is casual but not in women employed where awakening is at 6:00 and breakfast is more consistent staging a busy day: yogurt with cereal, two soft boiled eggs, a slice of bread , a cup of milk, followed by a snack at 11 am richer than usually containing two bananas and an orange juice. In this case lunch is served at the restaurant and contains a beef soup and a grilled chicken breast. making ice cream games The last meal is served at 17:00 and includes just a jam donut.
Sunday Sunday is and where Julia taught a casual making ice cream games day, the star finds himself at 9 and at breakfast serves a salad of vegetables and chicken with egg, chicken soup for lunch and eat a donut 17:30 .
Star Julia Preda trying to follow a balanced lifestyle that includes 3 meals and 2 snacks per day to some relatively fixed hours despite the fact that it is extremely difficult with our schedule, though the star admits he has small deviations from it but very rare.
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