Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Information in English

What may happen to the client "Provident" who do not pay rates on time? | Financial - latest news in Business & Economy, Real Estate and IT
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Information in English
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- Although company representatives claim that debtors are treated with understanding prenova MaxMind not apply penalties, contractual provisions prenova provide for penalties of two percentage points above the contractual interest - If you're late with a payment rate of one day per week, you can be forced to pay all the credit in 15 days - The main "rule" contracts "Provident" is "at its discretion" - Customers are required to accept the processing and sale of personal information processed by "Provident" and after the contractual relationship
In Romania there are several types of sharks, from the illegal "type Mararu" (supported by heads Poiliţiei as Şoric) prenova to the legal coverage, such as "Provident" prenova which is called "non-bank financial institution prenova registered General Register of the National Bank of Romania and specializes in providing small loans, short term ". prenova
Following inquiries from readers, today we try to answer a question "existential" unfortunates who have made use of this non-bank financial institution: what happens prenova if you can not pay the installments on time?
Vlad Sandru, "Communications Manger" in the "Provident" told us that the company contracts that are not mentioned interest prenova / penalty payments and any financial problems customers are treated with the utmost prenova understanding, by delaying and rescheduling of payments.
Perhaps in reality it happens so, but contracts between "Provident" and the client are totally unfavorable customer and do not provide clear terms, "Provident" reserves the right to execute whenever poor person who had to appeal to the non-banking financial institution.
Thus, Article prenova 10 states: "If for any reason the customer does not fulfill prenova its obligation prenova to conduct a weekly payment, that payment will be made by the Customer together with the payment that is due next week, Provident reserves the right to , at its discretion, to impose a penalty interest two percentage points above the contractual interest for the period between that date and the due date of actual payment. " In other words, "if they muscles 'Provident'" applies a penalty. Or if typical Romanian judge more negotiating ...
The wording "at its discretion" is pervasive in the contract Provident next evocation prenova of the "rules" meeting in art. 13 ("bad luck misfortune"): "... customer Provident prenova agreed that if the client does not pay on time either weekly payments (...), Provident will have the right, prenova at its sole discretion, by simply notifying Provident transmitted to the Customer, to declare due, after the expiration of fifteen (15) calendar days, all amounts owed by Customer prenova under this agreement. "
Romanian said, if you have only one day late payment of installments, "Provident" client may send a notice to announce prenova that it has to pay the entire loan. And the threat to be taken seriously, the same article also states: "Also, Provident has the right to take legal action to recover any time the amounts mentioned above. Customer shall bear the full cost recovery prenova case amounts above amicable or judicial. "
And because "Provident" concluded that the clause "at its discretion" are not convincing enough, added one: "In addition, Provident will have the right, at its sole discretion, that the notification provided above or other written notice, prenova to terminate this contract without prenova any further formality and without recourse to a court. "
In conclusion, the customer has the right (what an honor!) prenova To pay their installments on time. Otherwise, stick to the hand "Provident" who can overlook a possible delay or require full repayment of the loan. "At its discretion" prenova ...
While relations between the two sides cease when the contract expires (the payment of the loan), "Provident" took care to mention a clause prenova (non-negotiable) which can use customer data indefinitely. Furthermore, these data can be transferred to anyone ... "at its discretion". A "Provident", of course!
"By signing this contract, the client

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