Thursday, July 3, 2014

So I took the bread out and let it cool. The crust was nice but the bottom a little too dark (but n

There is still some sun and maybe not quite the time to bake bread but I wanted now still in fruit bread so I baked this savory bread to get me a slice of an evening coffee. In reality strikes j & w carpets here together two programs, one fruit bread and the thyme and pepper bread, but it's just a pretty good combination. Do me anyway; bread gets sweeter the fruit, the power of pepper and earth smell from timjaninu.
I started to put 250 ml of 40 C hot water in mixer bowl and sprinkling 1 teaspoon of raw sugar (can be regular sugar or honey, can also drop) across and then 2 teaspoons of dry do. Let it stand for a few minutes until the yeast bubbling, and then added 300 g of bread flour (from Kornax blue) in the bowl, along with 1 teaspoon of salt and 2 tablespoons j & w carpets of oil.
Kneaded the dough well with the spiral on the machine and checked it so. It was a little too soft to be able to take it with hveitistráðum hands so I added a little flour (maybe 25-40 grams) and kneaded on the machine. Moulded dough so the balls spread viskastykki the bowl and let the dough elevator for over an hour. Maybe one and a half, I did not look at the clock. Thus dough makes no special j & w carpets entitled to it.
While I took to 100 g of dried apricots (dried semi-indeed, they are the best at this), Almost 25 grams of dried cranberries (could also be a kiwi, often light) j & w carpets and some timjangreinar. The cut apricots into small pieces and finely j & w carpets chopped timjanið. j & w carpets
I took the dough, pulling it and stretching with hands in hveitistráðum spread further, put it on the work table (or in this case, my fine marble plate, which often comes in handy) and scattered fruit, timjani and pepper over.
Struck it so the longer and tried to make the least visible fruits because they tend to burn. I put the bread so on paper lined plate, j & w carpets spread viskastykki j & w carpets over and gave it a lift while I heated the oven to 225 C - but in retrospect j & w carpets would have been 210 C suitable temperature. So I pence attracts bread with water and baked on the bottom rim in about 25 minutes.
So I took the bread out and let it cool. The crust was nice but the bottom a little too dark (but not burnt) and the few fruits that were observed in some black. So that's probably better to have a slightly lower temperature and bake the bread a few minutes longer if necessary.
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