Thursday, July 17, 2014

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very soft palatal mucosa of discussion: patient aged 56 years, nonsmoker, very good analysis can say that are almost perfect, only glucose increased objekti ...> Area Specialty Dental> Forum Specialties> Pathology Oral Question: very soft palatal mucosa name / email Remember me! Password Forgot password? Register
02.02.12, 10:11 p.m.
Patient aged 56 years, nonsmoker, very good analysis can say that are almost perfect, only glucose increased 121. Glycaemic says it has nearly ten years and holds only diet. Presented for the insertion of two implants on the upper arch for mobile denture stabilization. ok ... take off the prosthesis that was super full of Fixodent. I cleaned objekti it and I palpated little ridge. objekti fffff palatal mucosa soft, almost like saying objekti that is the furniture. Virtually the entire mucous membrane of the palate and the lobby is very soft, but the ridge is more secure but still has the look of a keratinized mucosa. I have not met with a similar case and turn to get help for your experience. Thanks
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Mucosa is indeed changed color, objekti red-yellow, the same texture as a mobile mucoaae, necheratinizate, prayers palatine hardly feel. The smell does not smell and in taste admit that I have not asked. Tomorrow morning I called to harvest a throat swab and take them and the language. I'll make them some pictures tomorrow. We had one patient with a mucous-like but it is a candida objekti albicans objekti notice on the palate. He was not hearing furniture carrier. To this after i got out dentures have full palate Fixodent. It may be a reaction due to the adhesive?
It may be a reaction due to the adhesive? Not excluded, so I asked the boundary ... I mean if the area covered by the prosthesis and thus of Fixodent, the lining looks different than outside the prosthetic field. PS Exuding spell correctly exudate objekti
Today came the patient. He told her not to eat last night, do not wash, do not put Fixodent. In only 12 hours now lining looks much better. No trace of candidates, prayers objekti were fff soft palate but otherwise seemed to be getting better. Taste has bad smell fishy. She said that every time he puts more Fixodent for he is afraid to not fall while discussing business issues ..... can be concluded that the Fixodent. Monday or Tuesday should come and lab results. Have to wonder if a gate and evening. And this may be an explanation.
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prosthesis is properly executed? Well, since it needs a ton of Fixodent, probably not, but how far is it ideal? I guess it's objekti hyperplasia / irritation, whatever, I do not have data caused by poor denture rather than Fixodent. As if intolerant Fixodent not really matter how put that all intolerant E.
Mucosa has the appearance that if the hearing is not adapted. No longer objekti farm the fields, the prosthesis objekti moves and irritates the tissue, inflammation and hyperplasia occurs. Should be removed due to allergic reaction to the dye acrylic reaction that occurs shortly after application of the prosthesis and somewhat similar appearance is accompanied by subjective symptoms - burning, itching, etc.. The large amount of Fixodent Found you should put on g

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