Tuesday, July 22, 2014

His intervention comes after Stelian Tanase Radulescu brought several journalists outside TVR reali

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TVR filmmaker Michael Radulescu publicly accuses interim general manager of public television, Stelian Tanase, a "misuse of human and material resources" of the institution and "issuance of administrative or other serving interest group or client," writes HotNews.ro.
His intervention comes after Stelian Tanase Radulescu brought several journalists outside TVR realize programs on public channels and now looks Radulescu, "for the first time in the history of public television, all the moderators broadcasts making homemade ice cream debates on topical issues, scheduled in prime time, are freelancers. "
TVR filmmaker making homemade ice cream accuses Stelian Tanase, the warning was for: practices and preferential treatment or discrimination in exercising making homemade ice cream misuse of material or human resources; incompetence or negligence in service; non-objective assessments of personnel recruitment, selection, promotion, demotion and dismissal; violations of administrative or establish internal procedures contrary to law; issuance of administrative making homemade ice cream or other serving interest group or client; making homemade ice cream breach of other legal provisions that require the principle of sound administration and that the protection making homemade ice cream of public interest. What says the TV producer in his warning? For the first time in the history of public television, all moderators broadcasts topical debates making homemade ice cream scheduled in prime time, are freelancers. In other words, any employee of TVR was not considered valuable enough to create and moderate a talk show informative in the range 19-23.
Mihai Radulescu: "The extent to resort exclusively to external collaborators is a gross waste of public money" debate conducted by Romanian Television aroused public interest in current consumer; All 3 programs produced by TVR entered the top 10 talk shows on 2013 as nationwide audience (according to data centralized Paginademedia.ro - see Appendix making homemade ice cream 1). No ruler of institution went wrong with contempt for their employees so far as to remove them all - absolutely all! - The prime time slot of the channel. Able to rely solely on external collaborators represents a gross waste of public money. Because it is a travesty to address public money to pay people off to do everything TVR proved that can make employees of the institution, and even less than that. It is a logic of self-interest and group that you determine that, besides two or three personalities recognized for journalistic scale, to sneak "to pay" and press persons identified as old friends and buddy - they only at the margins media, or even completely out of the market, as "benefactor" propelled into the forefront of their public television. Election of employee representatives on the Board His first measure was to endorse amending Regulation choosing employees' representatives in the Board of Directors, in order to prohibit persons from outside the institution applications - applications that Law 41/1994 allows. Followed shortly, vitiating the election results made by employees, who have noted a detached vote Cornel Mihalache and myself. Empowered by regulation to send the list of candidates elected to Parliament employees, interim director rushed to submit a document to exclude the real winners of the election, on the grounds of procedural defect. Mr. Tanase assumed as the cost of court proceedings and thus release of a new scandal making homemade ice cream around TVR.
If the documentary heritage Nothing illegal competed in amplitude but censorship scandal which subsequently generated, providing interruption broadcast on TVR I, an episode of the documentary heritage clandestine, conducted by Monica Ghiurco.
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"The extent of resorting exclusively to external collaborators is a gross waste of public money. Because it is a travesty to address public money to pay people off to do everything TVR proved that can make employees inst

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