Tuesday, January 20, 2015

10 Last Post

After she got out of the bus, my wife pushed a piece of paper in his hand and said: Behold, yet you vridi. Menu no longer tribe ... More it is not a matter of those few dollars, but a matter of principle. The point of mutual understanding and help, civility and friendship among fellow citizens.
I'm one of those people who would rather walk than Mertojaka to the ferry with 20 kg heavy load on his back, but go by bus. Not that I have anything against buses, but the fact that I have to set aside a few dollars for a few minutes drive me terribly upset. I know that those few dollars in itself is not something, but why do not you prove it sparse student. Colleagues fax after going into town for a coffee? Okay. Going by bus? See you in half an hour in the marketplace. Exactly so we have to walk from campus - tells its own story Ana-Marija Rožić for S4S portal. From a financial automatic pancake maker perspective, it's great. From health - even better. Thirty automatic pancake maker minutes of walking a day keeps your body in shape. But here, once known to have bad side. Let's say, when it rains or when you do not have time. Hurry and go somewhere, and tomorrow you need to learn about a hundred pages of sheer boredom? Do not worry. For everything there is a solution! If necessary, I will carry a book with me and read it through. It weighs? Ma will take me these eleven HRK to copy pages from the book if you need to, but I will not give them barbie on the bus! This is not only avarice, automatic pancake maker this has become a matter of principle. With these eleven Kuna can do wonders. I can eat ten donuts from canteens, can sit all afternoon in a cafe with coffee and cream, can buy twenty blanket bologna, shoes in the Chinese market or bunch of other stuff ... But, you see, a few days ago I found myself in a situation with which I was very difficult to reconcile. I came late in Split and the only way to not be late to college was to get into one of these cans in six rounds. However, there was another way, but I immediately eliminated. Whoever has seen a run early in the morning? It's my religion forbids. automatic pancake maker And so resigned, oplakah its eleven kuna and sad heart I saw as we approach the famous threesome full Pensioners who go on daily trips to the doctor. I moved in closer door, tried to calm down, despite its imminent financial loss, pushed me all possible who entered the bus and would leave ... I do not know whether they were burning old people who do not see and you accidentally push, teen that it represents the pinnacle of entertainment or spatially disoriented women who do not experience anything but a reflection in the dusty shop windows. While I was waiting for that all had a turn, upon leaving automatic pancake maker the bus, one my wife pushed a piece of paper in his hand and said: Behold, yet you vridi. Menu no longer tribe ... At first I thought moss that it was a religious icon or that the woman escaped from a department of the hospital, but when I looked automatic pancake maker at his hand, I realized that gave me a bus ticket. And it's valid. Just imagine! Still there are people who do not walk the earth just to NAPAK others? I turned around to try to find and thank her, but already she was lost in the crowd. When I came to my cell, I decided that I would not selfishly keep ticket. Worth forty minutes and can certainly brighten the day of someone else. A woman stood in line to enter the bus. I came up to her and offered her a ticket. She looked at me in disbelief and map realized that this really is still valid. She thanked, smiled and showed the driver a piece of paper. Then I remembered that I was a few weeks ago I read an article about coffee for after you have paid in the café for someone who has no money to pay for it. You do not pay your ticket for the one who does not, but he directly giving something that you no longer need and in a few minutes turns into a completely worthless piece of paper pulp, but the moment you give it away, means a lot. More it is not a matter of those few dollars, but a matter of principle. The point of mutual understanding and help, civility and friendship among fellow citizens. So why would we exited the bus jammed ticket and threw it in the trash when we can give to someone who is waiting at the station?
10 Last Post Play it on Toochepinu (20/01/2015) Blackout in pictures (20/01/2015) In Serbia, on peace and conflict (19.01.2015) Journey - the only estate (01/19/2015) Vote automatic pancake maker for transparency (01/19/2015) Who asked you? EU asks! (1/17/2015)

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