Monday, January 19, 2015

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Boil water, butter and vanilla sugar. Remove from heat, stirring it in the blender, add the flour, return to the heat and cook for a few minutes stirring constantly over low heat. Move to another bowl and immediately add the eggs one by one, stirring continuously mixer (each egg must be well involved before putting the other). The mixture put in a syringe and you're making little piles on the greasy paper making sure that you're rival ice cream maker recipes making a little extra space as the batter will raise and spread during baking. Bake at 220 C for ten minutes and then reduce to 180 C and bake for another half hour.
Boil the milk. On low heat (as well as couples, but this is faster), add the mixture of egg yolks, flour, density, sugar, vanilla sugar and a little milk (just so that the mixture is liquid) and cook over low heat for a few minutes. In the cooled cream, add rum or maraschino and involved whip the cream with these charging cut baskets of dough. The sweetness !!!
Tips for cream: Someone who likes to express the taste of vanilla instead of flour can be added and one vanilla pudding (cornstarch do not skip). Cream puffs
Simple Christmas cake
Home Recipes world cakes vegetarian recipes Kitchen Diet cake Best Recipes pasta salads contributions Mexican recipes recipes for hangover miscellaneous video cocktails Your recipes gastrodiva fish dishes meat dishes Cooking by Mirjana Nutrition and health Makrovega - healthy recipes

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