Saturday, January 24, 2015

I am Croatian Tarantino. Oh, I did not just want to be the genius. I do not know how he would react

Mirela Majic-Rabbit: I'm gonna puke OF RESOURCES | prozaonline
I am Croatian Tarantino. Oh, I did not just want to be the genius. I do not know how he would react when they are in the Balkans appeared second on and what exactly I was the one. Fuck it, when you look at his film "Inglorious Basterds" by the third time you can not make a decision that you will Tarantino. Am I right? Am. The pure fool this guy, she scenes with Shosanna that is saved to blow up the cinema outdoor ice maker in which Hitler and the adrenaline pumped outdoor ice maker her Bowie's song "Cat People" - "And I've been putting out fire with gasoline ...". It was one in a series of my decision, but I left it for a muse of benevolent outdoor ice maker viewed times. For now, I was content to watch his movies and the fact that I have a friend who seems to spit Tarantino. Do not spit Tarantino, Tarantino already - what I meant. Occasionally, he and I, when they were drunk, create scenarios and stories. And he and I were Tarantino, though he thought it would be more realistic if I Rodriguez, but eventually relented.
"Hey, the guy started so what worked in a video store. outdoor ice maker What do you think we go tin carnal? "" Tarantino, who lends more video tapes when all you can from the internet? We are close to the room and watch a movie. "My drunken head explained his. "You're right, outdoor ice maker Tarantino." He agreed. "Hey, Jackie outdoor ice maker Brown, outdoor ice maker bring nan even lifting a beer!" He yelled to the waitress who was very happy to accept the new name, for better and such, but Stoša - that if she gave it a fool. E, brought me a lot of decisions in my life, little or no good, so I'm surprised myself when I brought this great: "And I will fucking rich I'm gonna puke of wealth." I framed it and put it on the wall. The decision is a perfect fit in the level sucking Monica Bellucci. "You oaf, here's your coffee and donuts." The faint entered and placed me on the table. "Mother, how can I drink coffee without mlika and who can be in the morning ist one of the donuts?" "I Vidin dvi and saw a dream when you dream you play you milk, not because they spent the whole night spavan outdoor ice maker from that of your computer, music, movies and other bollocks. You still do Vidin srićon one. What do you do to tone Facebook, are you in love with this cukar čovika? "I was not in love, but my man was the man and the truth is that I was trying to get in touch with him - to no avail. She is not understood. "Look, shame dream lethargic when you dream 35 years ago gave birth to common-law, but you're still unmarried gay who does not work, it will not suffer. And I gave college. Is that a tribe for Facebook? "" Nisan on Facebook. Attempted to watch "A Serbian Film". "" What's that? "" Well, "A Serbian Film." "I dream I think you're poludija. You do not know his name, you know only that the Serbian. outdoor ice maker "" It's called "A Serbian Film". "" outdoor ice maker Yeah, and tomorrow will be called Korean, prikosutra Croatian, and when completely crazy then will be called Nigerian, and there does not record movies, or father for you, because you're crazy. What you đava refusal to quit in the present time? "" Mother, I'm glad Plečko told me that this job spržija aura and that čovik not without aura and that I belong somewhere else. He told me that I have to meditate a little, and then into action. "" Taken away by the devil and you, and that Yum! So what's outdoor ice maker not Uzeja itself to you in the morning brings the coffee and donuts? outdoor ice maker Well, he's not crazy. He had seen that you liven up my ass for another 100 years takin životon the redeemed's biggest problem compartment fucking aura, and let the mother cares for you until your 155-e, because that's how I wrote, black me. Another 100 years I will have you on your back. "She finished and came out throwing on the floor dirty socks that had just been picked up. "Zuckerberg came to the Forbes list of richest Americans settling in the 321st place and thus became outdoor ice maker the youngest person ever that is placed among the top 400 on the Forbes list." The man fascinated outdoor ice maker me. A little less than Tarantino, true. First I had to become Marko Cukarberg that I could become Tarantino. It is time for action. The first month I meditated, charge the batteries. I watched a bunch of movies, listen to a bunch of albums, read books. No, I have not read the book rich quick, because I'm glad he said that to me my own aura light the way when we re-floated outdoor ice maker overhead. I said that I would then perhaps himself look strange, but my guess is it would not, because I was already weird and myself, and others. But, as I myself expensive, even the man. To state that I was not lazy, here are just a couple of top movies I looked: Inglorious basterds mention, Forest Creatures, Island, Kick Ass, Serbian film Circus Columbia, Black Swan ... ... I had heard Chemical Brothers, The Arcade Fire, Gossip, outdoor ice maker Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Walkmen, read some already read, some for the first time works of Musil, Rushdie, outdoor ice maker Borges, Calvino, Huxley, Houellebecq's, Capote, Coetzee. I read the comics - Alan Ford, Marty Mystery, Dylan Dog, Mister Noah. And I joined outdoor ice maker in all the social networks that I'm finding: Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and even sparkles even figs, and because of erotomaniacs can pick what kind of ideas, or find some enterprising du

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