Saturday, January 17, 2015

The first days at school were extremely challenging and demanding, but at the same time are causing

First days in Ethiopia mainly automatic pancake maker flowed casually. Morning coffee, several meetings throughout the day, late lunch and sleep. And yes, it is true, the Ethiopians have the best coffee in the world. She is too fine! :) During the negotiation of all our activities we managed to arrange a convenient, closer to work, accommodation. This time, we're moving in a small private hotel that has all the conditions for life to which we are used to, so we meet this time because most of the time we have the privilege called hot water and electricity, and sometimes even the Internet. And excellent coffee and donuts in the morning! How little it takes to be happy!
A few days after his arrival, his first job starts automatic pancake maker in school called "Fresh and Green Academy". The founder automatic pancake maker of this school initially had the idea of creating a for-profit company, but the situation in Africa and its social sensitivity has led her to her school converted to an orphanage that cares for many children orphans or children only with mothers who are left on the street and do not have basic living conditions. The place where the basic living conditions are incredible joy becomes our second African home, and the children automatic pancake maker and staff of our second family. Quince became a teacher of mathematics and music, and Neva English and art. We have found that this is yet another unexpected story, but also an ideal opportunity to learn about another aspect of life and another aspect of yourself. A new challenge - how interested twenty African automatic pancake maker smiles, but they both convey the necessary knowledge?
The first days at school were extremely challenging and demanding, but at the same time are causing automatic pancake maker us immense pleasure because our children do given fuller and more meaningful. Everything was measured invested - as much as we were ready to give, so we received. automatic pancake maker Learning to have fun and bilaterally. automatic pancake maker While we were trying to convey to them the lessons of English, math, art and music, they taught us the true values of life and revealing to us new ways to enjoy the lifestyle. The sense of investment and gain over time equated, and our interest in exploring the culture, values and customs with the children every day is getting bigger.
"Fresh & Green Academy" is our first contact with a culture that is so different from ours, and that we are at the same time so much that we began to move back and think why some us very dear patterns of behavior over time lost in our culture and become to us today as many pages?
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