Monday, January 26, 2015

Unusual combination - amazing combination (34)

floor Rondato handspring ~ after ~ : backward somersault Shinmi three times and a half twist (E) + : front tuck somersault (A) CV: 0.1 ~ : forward somersault once twist (C) + : forward Shinmi prostora somersault twice twist (D) CV: 0.1 ~ Rondato rolling flew ~ after ~ : backward Shinmi somersault twice and a half twist (D) + : forward Shinmi somersault once a half twist (C) CV: 0.1 : Fe Dolce Nko (C: down (Russian) 1080 turning) Rondato ~ after handspring ~ : Shinmi Thomas (E: Ushirotobi once a half twist front Shinmi somersault rotation = fall Chin skiing) Rondato ~ after rolling jump ~ : backward tuck twice somersault once twist (D: moonsault = Tsukahara) : Shinude 屈身 force cross inverted (C) Rondato ~ after handspring ~ : backward somersault Shinmi three times twist (D) D Score: 6.6 (E2 D4 C4 CV: 0.3) E score: 8.850 score: 15.450 Kurama : Uma-tan during orientation, portrait prostora turning prostora (A) : Ross (D: down (Russian) 360 turning while Uma-tan ~ horse end move) : E flop (E: 1 4 flop on Pomer: before moving Shutekuri B Horizontal Horizontal in Shutekuri B horizontal and vertical loop aspect loop) : positive cross 1/4 twist 1 Pomer on an inverted elapsed , down a reverse cross purse support (D: positive Sayre inverted) : reverse cross 1/4 twist 1 Pomer on an inverted course, Lower a positive cross purse support (D: reverse Sayre inverted) : portrait turning back move 1 / 3 parts (A) : Uma-tan down (Russian) 1080 turning (D) : Magyar movement (vertical turning before moving prostora three parts: 1 Uma-tan to 2 Pomer to 3 col horse back to 4 Pomer to 5 Uma-tan) (D) : Shibado movement (vertical turning back move three parts: 1 Uma-tan to 2 Pomer to 3 col horse back to 4 Pomer to 5 Uma-tan) (D) : before moving dsB (direct Pradesh te chestnut B) (B: Move the vertical front support to Pomer (1/3 part) 1 through the vertical back support on Pomer, sideways on 1 Pomer by 1/4 reverse turning prostora downward front support) : down reverse movement (reverse rear) inverted 3/4 (270 ) twist 3 Partial move down (D) D score: 6.2 = 6.1 (E1 D7 B1 A1) +0.1 (internal regulations added points) E Score: 8.600 score: 14.800 fishing prostora wheel : only up leg elevation cross pendant (D: Molinari) : leg elevation cross suspended from Shinude Shinmi during the horizontal support (E) : behind pretend rise during prostora the horizontal support (E) : tuck Yamawaki (C: front tuck somersault twice suspended = Yamawaki) : 屈身 Yamawaki (D: forward 屈身 twice somersault suspended = Jonathan) : Honma cross pendant (D: height at the front 屈身 somersault direct cross suspension of wheel ) : behind pretend up on the horizontal support (D) : Honten reverse rise inverted (C) : Shinmi Guchogi (E: backward Shinmi twice somersault suspended = O'Neill) : Shinmi reverse up support (A ) : legs before ani support (A) : 屈腕 Shinmi force inverted (B) : backward Shinmi twice somersault twice twist down (F: Shinmi new moon surface somersault = Shinmi Rudolph) D Score: 6.8 (F1 E3 D4 C2) E score: 8.300 score: 15.100 vault 2-31: Lopez (side handspring 3/4 twist backward prostora somersault Shinmi twice twist = Shinmi Kasamatsu jump twice twist) D score: 6.0 E score: 8.600 line deductions: 0.1 score: 14.500 parallel bars : before swinging up (arm support) leg without inverted (B) : Lee Shaopen (F: before swinging up (arm support) backward 屈身 twice somersault arm support = 屈身 Dmitri encoder) : 屈身 Morisue (E: bar on the rear 屈身 twice somersault arm support = fan Ripin) : bar under somersault inverted (D) : bar under somersault 1/4 twist inverted (E ) : 屈身 Behre (E: somersault arm support behind 屈身 twice from behind the wheel) : front leg 5/4 somersault leg without arm support (D: bomb cut) : Babusa (E: and swung down from an inverted suspension before shaking up the open leg opener, Shinmi and suspended in a horizontal position) : Tipperuto (D: swing-down suspension before swinging up leg without inverted in Shinhiza from inverted) : Healy (D: behind pretend one arm support once twist support) : backward 屈身 twice somersault down (D) D score: 7.1 (F1 E4 D5) E score: 8.500 score: 15.600 horizontal bar : suspension square one inverted (A) : front wheel once twist large advantage of the fact (C ) : front wheel 1/2 twist inverted (A) : behind the wheel (A) : Mozuniku (E: Shake before suspension, Shinmi back jump over 1/2 twist piece advantage of the fact suspended behind prostora pretend rise inverted) : front wheel (A) ~ : Adler 1/2 twist inverted (D) + : Shinmi Tokachefu (D) CV: 0.1 : Ribaruko (D: backward jump wheel once and a half twist large advantage of the fact) ~ : Adler once twist both advantage of the fact inverted (E) + : Shinmi Cosmic (Yamawaki) (D) CV: 0.1 : behind the wheel 1/2 twist inverted (A) : Endo once twist large advantage of the fact (D) : backward Shinmi twice somersault twice twist down (E: Shinmi new moon surface somersault down = Watanabe) D score: 6.7 = 6.6 (E3 D5 C1 A1 CV: 0.2) +0.1 (internal regulations added points) E score: 8.350 score : 15.050 total D score: 39.4 = 39.2 + 0.2 (internal regulations added points) Total E score: 51.200 deduction: 0.1 Total score: prostora 90.500 (90.300)
Though Comments List 1. Ken 13:33 little rough August 16, 2014, was the impression that acting still while leaving a margin. I was now for the first time to look this time all the events of expectation is Ne 2. 15:05 Den players ter's August 16, 2014. Thank you all! The nest is also though to have doing a high D score, prostora miss rarely. In particular parallel bars is, to end technique is double 屈身, D score conducted a 7.1. Re-Shaopen, 屈身 Morisue, prostora maturity, etc. 屈身 Behre is high, I think also become definitely medal candidate in the individual all. 3. When Tan August prostora 16, 2014 19:14 study I thought I still and will likely Kana afford. But do not know the direction of the problem, I am looking forward to exist. It is It is really amazing to 4. that pass through August prostora 16, 2014 19:17 ter's only this configuration When Tan! Parallel bars I is outrageous. Given the team competition parallel bars of China is phenomenal. It is attention athletes prostora in individual all! 5. other nameless of S's August 16, 2014 21:58 Kurama-class in another discipline (horizontal bar is severe or) It is D score. 6. How do I thought to write the August 16, 2014 22:14 of nameless of S's future organization final configuration Once Tan (It is easy travel article that requires almost personal comprehensive prostora copy and paste but laughs) horizontal bar also I have conducted a 6.9.
Certified skills and new technologies application has been trick qualifying: Uchimura Kohei players individual comprehensive final first place: Uchimura Kohei player 2nd place: Ryohei Kato player 3rd place: Fabian Hanbyuhen player (Germany) Ranked # 4: Max Witt Rock players prostora (United Kingdom) Ranked # 5: Sergio Sasaki-Junior players (Brazil) Ranked # 6: Samuel Mikurakku players (USA)
New technique application certified new tricks qualifying Uchimura Kohei players qualifying 6 events organization finals (Japan and China) Personal comprehensive final first place: Uchimura Kohei player 2nd: Max Whitlock player (United Kingdom) 3rd: Tanaka Yu Scripture player prostora 4th place: Oleg Berunyaiefu players (Ukraine) prostora Ranked # 5: David Beruyafusuki players (Russia) Ranked # 6: �書 brother (Den Shuudi) player (China) Ranked # 7: Sergio Sasaki Junior prostora players (Brazil) events by final Yuka Kurama fishing wheel vault parallel bars horizontal bar
2014 World Championships and individuals prostora comprehensive final, highlights.
Unusual combination - amazing combination (34)
2014 World Championship podium training (7)
Artur Oyakawa Mariano player prostora (Brazil) prostora Artur Dafuchan players (Armenia) Artur Nabarette Zanetti player (Brazil) Alexander Shatirofu player (Israel) Anton Fokin players (Uzbekistan) Andriy Shienichikin players (Ukraine) Andreas Brett Schneider player (Germany) Andrei Rihobitsuki players (Belarus) Epuke-Zonda Land player (Netherlands) Emin Garibofu players prostora (Russia) Enrique Thomas Gonzalez Sepurubeta players (Chile) Oleg Berunyaiefu players (Ukraine) Christian Beruki prostora players (Hungary) Christopher Brooks prostora players (USA) Sasso Berton prostora Celi players (Slovenia) Samuel Mikurakku players (USA) Sam Oldham player (United Kingdom) prostora Jacob Dalton players (USA) Jonathan Horton players (USA) John Orozco players (USA) Stacey Irvin players (USA) Sergei Fe Dolce Nko player (Kazakhstan) Sergio Sasaki Junior players (Brazil) Daniel Keatings players (Scotland) Daniel prostora Corral Barron player prostora (Mexico) Daniel Purvis Players (Scotland) Daneru Lever players (USA) David Beruyafusuki players (Russia) Diego Iporito player (Brazil) Dennis Aburyajin players (Russia) Donnell-Wittenberg players (USA) Nikita Ignatieff players (Russia) Nikolai Kukusenkofu players (Russia) Bajireiosu-Tsu~orakidisu players (Greece) Bad De~yuro player (Netherlands) Fabian Hanbyuhen player (Germany) Philip Ude players (Croatia) Filip Ude players (Croatia) Fell Hut Arikan prostora player (Turkey) Peek Inside Rousimar Calvo Moreno players (Colombia) Jorge Giraldo players (Columbia) Paul Rugeri players (USA) Max Whitlock player (United Kingdom) Matthias Farihhi player (Germany) Manrique-Rarudo~ueto players (Cuba) Jan Hakuson player (South Korea) Yu Hao player (China) Re-Segu~an player (North Korea) lease Makkurenahan players (Northern Ireland) Lewis Smith player (United Kingdom) Roberto Seligman players prostora (Croatia) Vitaly Sherubo players prostora Nakano Daisuke Kameyama Kohei Uchimura prostora Kohei players player RyuHiroshi (Liu Yang) player (China) Ryohei Kato players Chiba Kenta player Koyama HitoshiHiroshi players YuHiroshi (Yu Hao) player (China) Koji Yamamuro players Yamamoto MiyabiKen players ChoHiroshi 涛選 hand (China) Hayasaka Naoto players HayashiIkuShin player prostora (Taiwan) Shun Kuwahara players Uematsu Kochi players Takeda Kazushi prostora players Oki-guchiMakoto players Watanabe Kyoichi prostora players Yuasa Kenya player Yusuke Tanaka player Kazuhito Tanaka player Shirai Kenzo player Shirai Katsutaro player Shirai AkiraJiro players Kamihon Yuya players Tanigawa Xiang players Tanigawa Kou player Zou Kai player (China) �書 brother (Den Shuudi) player (China) NONOMURA Showare players Suzuta Keisuke players topaz countries player (China) Saito Yu Yu players
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