Monday, January 19, 2015

After a few months dvorišta of living here I adopted some unwritten rules about dear to me Scotland

After a few months dvorišta of living here I adopted some unwritten rules about dear to me Scotland! dvorišta If ever Choose to live in this country, here are three basic facts: dvorišta 1. Get the fuck thong, sleeveless shirts, lightweight jackets, shoes, tights and witches. dvorišta If no Scottish anti-cold weather gene, fucked you! After the first few days, I look out the window light Armageddon, kiai wind in the corporation. 'I say dear: Jooooj, nemre anywhere! (Because the Croats are not ba walk at such a time), and he is me with a slight grin: Haha, loe time? What loe time? Well that angles so razmiljaju, would never go out of the house! Put your boots on and do not moan! And so it happened after a couple of months ago I bought my first park! For I think that fashion promaajem that every woman turns into a Michelin logo, horror one! But what's done is done, squeezed winter and nemre Pilate mode. In the morning, when I'm dvorišta taking yoga from 7am najilavijim women in Scotland, I trained when young Eskimo, but I hope that in slowly and I stei the weather resistance. Although still can not get used to Čurik that walk in the light minjak and those porn-Ceca Velikovi bondage with a hole in your fingers ... for God's sake, do not have the gene for the cold their veins rounds scamp antifreeze! dvorišta (See picture!) 2. Do not preraunavaj prices in kuna if you do not want to make a heart attack premature! The first few weeks I was amazed when prices are chicken worm. I give the most difficult small coffee 20 kuna, 10 kuna donut, loa pizza 60 kuna, poor sandwich 30 cents? When he comes to the city to pay daily transport (about dvorišta 30 million), drink coffee, eat a sandwich and possibly buy some personal potreptine (bem you my period) just forget preraunavanje because, as kau , the standard was simply better and it all sort of equalize. But honestly, it took a while to slowly forget the poor scientific Pounds Sterling and how much it worth here. When I mentioned how some people I zaraivala in Croatia, I regularly caught their her that Bogie-view so I just had to objajavati as it is in Croatia more or less ok salary. The only thing it can not approve of was the fact that overtime is rare in salary. On that there is simply no. On it they hurt when chicken dvorišta haggis! If it works for you and salary! Now, those happy to see me! We Croats often classified as good workers in a foreign world, but that's only because we were in our own country dvorišta NAUI right and the familiar, recession: squeeze your butt and doing, has quite poor at the Office in that be happy in your workplace! dvorišta 3rd Forget organic food (if your stomach accustomed to fine, freaks mother's desserts, vegetables from the garden and peenog, the domestic chicken)! Quasi-organic food is expensive dvorišta as hell! I say quasi-organic, because neither the chicken does not look like I was in this Scottish wind and the ever piknul by fresh blade of grass. Vegetables stores is almost regularly vacuumed, tasteless is a short shelf life. Onions dvorišta do not pee for the eyes when he said, and the shelves are crammed with oping centers meat of dubious quality, and candy of all kinds and shapes and advertising dvorišta that claims to be organic origin of the product. If and finding the farmer's market on an undistinguished corner in town, prepare to pay double the price for a similar product, but at least there are those organic and salesman are seldom a semi hippies who certainly sing cucumbers in the garden dvorišta that better growth. Um, yeah ... I thank God that here and there nae Polish trade with the products immediately recognize dvorišta so when my body at least vritat of artificial food I eat Polish sauerkraut dvorišta and homemade jam from hippie-tete the plot. The other day my mom saved and sent a huge package full of fine products with nice nae. What a luck! So be happy iuivajte dvorišta the little things at home like a grandmother's dvorišta jam of plum, my mom's chicken and coffee at a local recreation facility for 8 kuna by moe drink on the terrace in warm iuivati autumn day. Addition there NO!
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After quite a few years in a safe and warm Lijepoj Naoya, this one decides to leave the job in dravnoj companies, well-established dance studio and a quiet life in podravskoj prairie, put 20 pounds of life in a suitcase and send in thrilling adventure called dvorišta Scotland! Of course, love has played a major role! All the rest are ... shades! ;) Links uses cookies for a username Support is a better experience. Settings dvorišta cake can be controlled and configured within your web browser. Vieo cookie you can read here. By continuing review sites You agree with taking advantage of cake. To continue the examination of Service dvorišta and websites click on the "I agree". I agree

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