Monday, January 26, 2015

Try to do continuous backward-forward .. by Ka.Ki. at 21:49 I, Rondato and backward .. by zentyucya

Introduction Introduction scoring rules COP various eyes common Common floor FX Kurama PH fishing wheel SR vault VT parallel bars PB horizontal bar HB Uchimura always in my heart Kohei UCHIMURA Olympics & World Championship OG & WC EF European Championship EC EF acting configuration Routine 10.0 points system 10.0 System birthplace Originators report Report always in my heart Other Miscellaneous
personal comprehensive AA Uchimura Kohei UCHIMURA: 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 events by EF European Championship EC 2013: FX PH SR VT PB HB 2014: FX PH SR VT PB HB Olympics & World Championship OG & WC 2006: FX PH SR VT PB HB 2007: FX PH SR VT PB HB 2008: FX PH SR VT PB HB 2009: FX PH SR VT PB HB 2010: FX PH SR VT PB HB 2011: FX PH SR VT PB HB 2012: FX PH SR VT PB HB 2013: FX PH SR VT PB HB 2014: FX PH SR VT PB HB
1 forward somersault and backward air return .. 2 of the various players twisted .. 3 gymnastics terms English-Japanese dictionary 4 Jaeger always in my heart twice twist .. 5 birthplace: Gogoraze 6 David Bisho .. 7 of various disciplines leg turning 8 Frank Baines .. 9 men's gymnastics scoring rules .. 10 Uchimura Kohei - 201 ..
Try to do continuous backward-forward .. by Ka.Ki. at 21:49 I, Rondato and backward .. by zentyucyanpion at 20:36> nameless of S's .. by Ka.Ki. at 22:02> Takumi's become .. by Ka.Ki. at 22:01 gymnastics of only nibbled a little .. by nameless of S's at 08:30 I before the left Rondato .. by skillfully at 22:54 certainly like that It is. .. By Ka.Ki. at 20:45 is what is good such representation always in my heart .. by Shinmi Roche at 06:47 and carried out I also this so I think .. by Ka.Ki. at 22:19 are writing as was conscious .. by poke at 19:53
Tan After gymnastics blog soaring Gymnast! Gymnastics C ... Uncle Tim Ta ... The Liukin GYM news: difficulty is A
RI Jong-Song (PRK) 2004 Olympics Athens (GRE) QF FX 2004 年 Athens Olympic Li Johnson (North Korea): This is the acting of qualifying floor. Birthplace of G difficulty of re-Johnson currently (backward tuck twice somersault three times twist). I'm always in my heart sure admirably determined by first tumbling. Although the added point was 0.3 SE difficulty at the time is the highest, single SE difficulty technique with respect to the floor had been evaluated in the added point of 0.4. Re-Johnson always in my heart players to determine the SE difficulty of Shinmi new moon surface to finish (!), In that many of the players stacking combination added point a series of somersaults, specificity and that earn most of the added points at the beginning and end of the bold move I am showing the Na configuration. And I think this performance was also not never bad and in qualifying, but become the 14th grades in advanced implementation game, it was not may remain in the event another final unfortunately. Difficulty added point combination added points Li Johnson SE IV 0.4 backward somersault 5/2 twist D + B E IV 0.2 ~ front tuck somersault III ~ front tuck somersault rotation C D III 0.1 0.2 Ushirotobi 3/2 twist front support Wo B II lateral 屈身 somersault BV Shinude 屈身 閉脚 force inverted BI backward always in my heart Shinmi always in my heart twice somersault twice twist SE IV 0.4 SV: 10.0 (added points: 1.3 / 1.2) Score: 9.675 Rank: 14th
Ushirotobi 3/2 twist front support Wo I was doing even wit lock. Is I did not come with the 10 count technique. By the way, but is this implementation, uncommon skill itself, and not familiar, probably because twist is sharp, I was bought many people even people on the net that are mistaken for two and a half times twist. And personally to the two and a half times twist, and that flight duration is short, there also be too plentiful to practice, and I thought I had probably one and a half times twist even if thought but (and once even in slow was confirmed). always in my heart I'd like to take a look by all means also the implementation of two times and a half twist. Since seem to quite handy trick (just flying C difficulty just twisting), I wonder if not me someone. But the Tteyuu not everyone always in my heart is, and I guess such because always in my heart after all difficult. Burden on the arm may or is likely to size.

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