Thursday, January 22, 2015

Some had Regina

I promised Hungarians accompaniment and cultural-historical lecture, so I and met and escorted. Before that, I restored the knowledge of the history of Josephine, Tounj and Ogulina and the route she looked familiar, domestic. Fortunately, the weather was almost perfect, if we ignore the wind, not too cold, and most importantly, without a drop of rain. At the start of coffee and donuts, foreword ice cream churn and start.
Gathered ice cream churn enviable figure of thirty both classic ice cream churn and new cyclists who are slow tempo set out for the Crab stream. This time we did not chatting and head straight down as the 300, but respecting the road book through Jagnjić Dola traffic lights ice cream churn and we headed towards Pisarovina. My company is firmly held back wall, and in the first bumps began to show a known flaw recumbent bicycle, and performed worse Csaba who until ten days ago, felt the consequences of the rain with the Hungarian 1000. Since Akos collects images of sacred objects, we often stopped and so to Pisarovina and the first control. Akos is of course returned to the church and poslikao it. To Karlovac enjoyed, and at my home they ate cherry strudel ice cream churn and drank tea. After that, the old center, Holy Trinity, Church of St. Nicholas, a monument to the victims ice cream churn of the plague, and easy to Tounju and wind. On the bridge painting, watching the fish and talking with French and Italian restorers. Do they not been clear why the two bridges one above the other.
We studied and offer mushrooms and cheese, and cabbage and potatoes after we reached the other controls and coffee. Of course we have not forgotten the abyss, the story of Zuleika, flood and Brlić Mažuranić, the story of Prince Marko, who lies dead beneath the gorse, so he can see the contours of the head and legs a few other things.
Some had Regina's syndrome, and we had the syndrome-time limt. In Ogulinu I decided to be too stretched so I had a little chase and explain Akos us Gomirje with most westerly monastery ice cream churn is not exactly along the way and to Csaba difficult climb down. Climbing up towards Vrbovskom caught up with us Slovenian randonneur that took off from Črnomlja, but was delayed in St. A week and a through Karlovac decided to make a circle. From Vrbovskog Csaba I came on my own, let the downhill and I was in the lee had good pedal would not you follow him. Luckily, after the control bit wavier ground so it is to slow down. So we often met and Janos who was a little ahead, a little behind.
In Karlovac another tour of the theater, the First Girls' Grammar School, cereal house, milestones, and the Petrol pause waiting Janos and then downwind towards the goal. The scores in Rakov Potok we split up so we Akos and I had a little time trial for the finals and then a beautiful ice cream churn scene, a cafe full of cyclists.
It's nice to get the first, but this was good, as more travel, excursion is such a welcome. Few were sore hands from so much English, but I hope that the team, not only the Hungarian, brevet liked and that we get even by diehard Randonneur (wire). Oh, and congratulations to the lady who ventured out in this way to spend a weekend. And I guess she will not be the last such, cycling weekend.
21:03. BRM 200 km bridge 4 28.03. BRM 200 km brevet Spring 11:04. BRM 200 km Buzet 18:04. BRM 200 km Tudum 02:05. BRM 300 km Sveta Sunday 09:05. BRM 400 km Sveta Sunday 16:05. BRM 400 km Pula 30.05. BRM 600 km Sveta Sunday 06:06. BRM 200 km Selce 13:06. BRM 200 km Bjelovar 20:06. BRM 300 km Sveta Sunday 04:07. BRM 300 km Pannonia 18:07. BRM 600 km Sveta Sunday 05:09. BRM 200 km Sveta Sunday 19:09. BRM 200 km Skradin 03:10. ice cream churn BRM 200 km Autumn no. CZK Search Search: Super Randonnee
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