Monday, January 12, 2015

How much caffeine is too much? Although the boundaries of the individual nostalgia electrics ice cr

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America and Croatia have excellent agree on one thing - the consumption of coffee and caffeinated products. Maker of all kinds of Croats love and all the power of time spent sitting over coffee. nostalgia electrics ice cream maker Caffeine, the most widely used stimulant in the world, is present in many energy drinks, in chewing gum, cereal, and now even in the American donuts
When foreign tourists come for the first time in Croatia immediately noticed countless bars where people sit and idly sipping nostalgia electrics ice cream maker coffee; probably at it thinking 'what are they doing Croats when the whole day sitting in cafes ?!' 'However, the consumption nostalgia electrics ice cream maker of coffee, caffeine or more precisely, Croatia is not the first country in the world. If you really want to get into the realm of caffeine, then go to America, because there'll caffeine found everywhere, although no bars on the Croatian way.
Every so often a new product in whose structure nostalgia electrics ice cream maker we find caffeine and we now have and donuts with caffeine. The marketing slogan '' no energy without caffeine '' literally applied, so if caffeine gets into the soup, for me there will be no surprises. A man must constantly throughout the day dopingirati, and caffeine is the right hand. Caffeine increases endurance in sports
If the sport accepted that caffeine nostalgia electrics ice cream maker is ergogenic nostalgia electrics ice cream maker goods, that is to raise the capacity for mental and physical effort, then we ordinary mortals can not accept their experiences. A study dating back to 1979 (which is not denied) showed a 7 percent increase in the distance to which you can ride a bike for 2 hours if previously consume the appropriate dose of caffeine (coffee).
Another very interesting research nostalgia electrics ice cream maker activity of caffeine produced an even more dramatic results, so the 9 mg / kg body weight produced a 44 percent increase in endurance runners in the long run. However you should know that constantly increasing the dose does not always increase the effects. Thus is determined the optimum nostalgia electrics ice cream maker mean of 5.5 mg / kg body weight as an ideal. If we take the average of the players nostalgia electrics ice cream maker from 80 kg to 440 mg caffeine means, nostalgia electrics ice cream maker for example for one doe that is able to turn the match.
We can say that America is absolutely nostalgia electrics ice cream maker kofeinizirana nation because there in that bu- revolves $ 11 billion. Americans only in specialized shops for coffee consume about 300 million, and this number has increased since 1990, 18 times.
What does excessive use of caffeine? If you by any chance a day manager who has only five meetings and five drinks espresso, you are on the right track in a relatively short time jump in kofeinizam, which implies dependence on the one and a range of side effects from the other side.
And if by any chance swallow tablets for migraine that contain caffeine in quantities of 60-125 mg, then you secured way into the realm of caffeine, ruled by tension, heartburn, nervousness, insomnia, excessive busyness, anxiety, headache.
Experts would say '' Caffeine Intoxication '' as it really is, if you take into account that the alkaloid caffeine like everyone else, it is that it can poison. This syndrome is recognized and described in the psychiatric manual (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition). So, mentioned donut with caffeine would not bother anyone when it would not contribute to the otherwise high daily intake of caffeine in the body, both the Americans and the Croats. Sitting with a morning coffee ...
How much caffeine is too much? Although the boundaries of the individual nostalgia electrics ice cream maker tolerability is very high (measured in mg / kg body weight) is considered to be thin red line about 400 mg, which is translated into a portion of strong espresso cup was 3-4. It is enough for the first signs of intoxication or, milder terms, over-stimulation which some can be seen in the palms sweating, facial flushing, trembling hand, accelerated the work of the heart, etc.
Here is a practical example nostalgia electrics ice cream maker of how quickly develops a tolerance to caffeine; if for 7 days daily intake of 400 mg of caffeine, here's the problem. But immediately it should be said that there are people who develop this tolerance is entering 300 mg of caffeine. As for the Americans, the average daily intake of them last year was over 200 mg, so we can safely say that a large part of their population has developed a tolerance to caffeine.
People are aware of caffeine when drinking coffee, but absolutely do not care about the caffeine from other foods that are consumed daily, especially in summer when they drink various carbonated beverages. Advertising for kofeinizirane donuts will be - '' eat to be poisoned '' but will be '' every morning to refresh and replenish energy ''. For now it is a type 2 this morning refreshments; '' Buzz Donat '' and '' Buzzed Bagel ''. The amount of caffeine is so calculated that one donut contains caffeine as one cup of strong coffee.
Following mass product caffeinated chewing gum that somehow nostalgia electrics ice cream maker goes against the coffee although containing the same component. Marketing will say: '' removes unpleasant morning nostalgia electrics ice cream maker breath coffee nostalgia electrics ice cream maker with our gum ''. For example, a popular Jolt Gum Spearmint Flavored Chewing Gum contains nostalgia electrics ice cream maker caffeine Aug

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